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Hollywood Sexual Harrasment/Assault Thread


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Not as a direct response to aforementioned stupid troll but as a reminder to stupid trolls in general who want to blame women for the lack of decency of sexual harassing men, Terry Crews talked about keeping his experience of being sexually assaulted by a Hollywood producer to himself and now James Van der Beek takes idiots to task for judging women who have not come forward.


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I'm glad you posted this. I want to remind folks about Corey Feldman who was abused as a child, named people to the police, but the police instead decided not to go after the powerful producers. Corey mentioned one of whose initials are SS. Read about an on the record discussion Lucas and Spielberg had about their iconic character Indiana Jones love interest in the first film being 22 and someone who was in love and had an affair with Indy at the age of 13. And no this was not a conversation in jest. Lucas called it edgy.


There is a ton of harassment and pedophilia going on all over. We know it happens in DC(see Dennis Haystert) and we know it goes on in Hollywood. There is no "better angel" here. One is not better than the other. And lets not forget what went on in the Catholic Church and what the church has and in some cases is still complicit in. There is no place for moral highground for anyone other than for those who believe that harassment, rape, child abuse, pedophilia, and rape are wrong regardless of the circumstances. There is not one instance that excuses any of this.


Corey Feldman was smeared because he refused to smear Michael Jackson. Now I do believe Jackson a troubled individual but I never bought the claims of child abuse. Those in power want to keep those in power who are the abusers themselves.


And now George Clooney is being outed by a former ER costar for getting her blacklisted for daring to tell him and speak up on sexual harassment going on on the set of ER I guess.


I want to give Van Der Beek credit. It had to be hard for a man to speak up especially on this. I don't doubt he's been pressured even moreso to stay silent.

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It's a shame that when Rose McGowan was talking, many wanted to label her as unstable (i.e. crazy) and a troublemaker.

It's unfortunate that anyone would seek to demonize women for being afraid to speak out and that it now seems to take a man speaking out for some people to realize that there is a stigma and a hopeless, powerless feeling that often makes people timid.

Feldman was diminished by the repeated accusation that he was "troubled" but yeah, anyone would be troubled by a childhood beset by abuse delivered at the hands of predators. Feldman managed to survive. His childhood friend Haim did not.

That these men are sit high on their perches while there are so many other talented people who would never abuse another person, is infuriating to me.


Edited by DramatistDreamer
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I remember seeing a documentary about Tippi Hedren (trivia fact: she's the mother of Melanie Griffith) where she talked about Hitchcock's obsession with her, even then she didn't go into detail about how truly bad it was. Only a year and a half ago, or so, did I find out the extent of it.

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All of these people knew. They all make me ill.


Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, they all knew especially considering the stuff with his brother. But all these actors like those 2, Colin Firth who's a personal fave of mine, Clooney, all had no issue cozying up to him knowing what he did.  And most of them maybe barring Firth have all had their own reputed issues with women.


The best interview I have seen has been with Emma Thompson. It's about 10 minutes if you have time to watch it. She doesn't make excuses, doesn't justify anything. She said she wasn't aware of the harassment aspect but that it doesn't surprise her because he was always a bully and someone she never really wanted to work with and didn't much.

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