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Characters That Never Got A Proper Send-off

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It's understandable that characters are written off of soaps.Actors and actresses leave, new writers want to change the direction of the show, etc. I'm fine with that, as long as the character we've invested time and affection forget the proper send-off, an acknowledgement of what they meant to the show and it's fans. 


My favorite soap was As The World Turns. The character Steve Andropoulous carried the show for two years during his whirlwind romance with Betsy Stewart. When new writer Douglas Marland came on board, he wanted less of a super-couple focus, and Steve was not among his favorite people. Fair enough, but to suddenly turn the former hero into a drug-dealer rotting away in a Greek prison was a slap in the face of the people who rooted for Steve and Betsy for years. And so unnecessary, since the Betsy character was written off shortly after. Another was Emma Snyder, the matriarch of the Snyder clan, who counseled all six of her nitwit children through crisis after crisis, but received virtually no decent sendoff.


Who were the characters on your soaps that deserved better at the end of their road?

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OMG!!  An actual topic in DTS?  Oh how I miss the days when we'd come up with these random topics on Saturdays and Sundays and shoot the sh!t about the soaps of yore.  Okay, I'm game.


If I remember correctly (and I probably don't so correct me if I'm wrong), Pearl Bradford just faded into an oblivion on Santa Barbara.


I actually just re-read the Bill Hayes/Susan Hayes book and Susan claims that in 1984, they just faded into the background of the show and never got a proper good bye.   Going off topic for a moment, I am reminded of when Deidre Hall returned in 1991- I was just thrilled that Susan was back on the show at the time as Julie.  Their reunion was one of my favorite moments during Marlena's returns.  It's little things like that with the characters on soaps that I miss- a scene that would be a throwaway to a casual viewer but as someone who watched their friendship (if only in the 80s- pretty sure it started in the 70s) it was just a joy to have that beat hit and for Julie to be there when Marlena returned.  The only other thing I could have hoped for was a reunion with Gloria Loring's Liz, but that's getting nitpicky.


Even though she was given a sendoff, I didn't like how AW wrote out Kathleen when she returned in 91.  I think she moved to New York for a job (maybe as an author?!?).  It was so lame and it was the cherry on the sundae of 1991's dumping of my 3 fave females at the time- Anne Heche, Cali Timmins, and Julie Osburn.  I wanted and expected more.

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NEIL CURTIS! When I seen the topic, this is the first character that came to mind. The way it was written as if he was coming back the next day. I don’t even think he has been mentioned since. 


Nicole’s first exit was the same, she went to bed with Roman and that was it. I think they did mention she married a soap star or something. 

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Ryan's Hope


Dr. Alex McLean - characters just said he moved back to Tennessee - 


Dr. Clem Moultrie - (Original cast member Hannibal Penney )  - one day Pat and Bucky said Clem moved to Tuscan


Dr. Pat Ryan (1979)- Okay, so it was  Pat #3 (Robert Finoccoli)  He was an original character and he was a RYAN! We heard Maeve say her youngest son Pat had left town in the middle of the night to go to Texas after Nancy Feldman. Not any on-screen good-byes to his family, his friends, or his former loves. 


Poppy Lincoln -  After seeing Tom and Poppy moving towards the bed, next time Tom was seen he just came home and said to Faith that Poppy was going to Ireland to find her long-log family. Never bought that she would have given up on him so easily.  How could  Tom and Faith trust that she would never tell her new family that Tom was indeed alive, and well, and still living in Riverside. On the old SoapNet forum, posters thought Tom probably killed Poppy and hid the body. 

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Stuart was never mentioned again, right? Did he and Liz ever get a divorce or did he just get the Carl Williams treatment?




Days should have brought back Denise Alexander once she left GH. Susan sounds like such a fascinating character.


Watching Jessie in the 1980-81 episodes I would never have guessed that she was once the star of the show.


Larry Wolek and Ellen Stewart. Their shows would really benefit from having them around until the end. 

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Y&R.....In 1982-1983 Ashley had a romance with a guy named Brian Forbes who she worked in the Jabot lab with. I think he went to make a phone call and never came back. Eileen Davidson and Jay Kerr who played Brian were all over the soap mags, but they just dropped him. 





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I respected William J. Bell enormously, but he was notorious for dropping major characters from the canvas, without any warning or explanation.


As far as I know (and granted, I did not see every single episode), Stuart Brooks simply ceased to exist and his disappearance was never addressed. Much like Carl Williams, originally. Viewers and internet commentators later assumed that Stuart had died, but I think that was just filling in the blanks on their part.


Susan Martin was indeed a fascinating character, but she simply disappeared from DAYS in 1976, after the audience complained about the story with Susan seeking psychiatric treatment for her sexual issues.


Yes, most younger viewers express amazement when I tell them that Jessie Brewer was once a very important character on GH. They assume that she was created to be a minor, under-fiver.

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