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RUMOR: Days and GH's Fates Revealed? An EP put on notice?

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GH does need a big overhaul. I feel like they brought in new writers, but it's still pretty much the same. The cast needed a revamp and they left it pretty much the same. I don't know why they're prolonging things with Frank. I also think they should've hired a more dynamic vision for the new headwriting team their Y&R was watchable and didn't do any damage to the show, but it was also boring which is the same for their GH.

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Sooo ... that article told us nothing really. Just a fluff piece.


I have no illusions about these soaps lasting forever and ever but I just don't see either in any danger any time soon. DAYS maybe but what would replace it? A sixteenth hour of the tired TODAY show? What would replace GH?  Good Afternoon America 2.0? I mean ...


How is GH "done"? LOL

I know you're clearly not happy with DAYS and it's direction. I'm not thrilled either. It's better, for me, than it's been, but that's honestly not saying a lot. But I do think it deserves the renewals. I love the show and would hate to see it end, whether anyone thinks it deserves to end or not. Not when they could be salvaged. The sad part is, no one bothers to salvage them. If the networks gave a [!@#$%^&*] they'd recognize recycling fired head writer after fired head writer isn't the way to go. And it wouldn't surprise me at all if they were deliberately being sabotaged. I mean, Pratt, PRATT at Y&R? Hell has literally frozen over. I totally think they're trying to kill it.

This. Frank's had three years. He needs to go and should have gone with Ron, but I imagine Frank did what he had to do (helping drive that bus over Ron). He has no scapegoats anymore. Pissy and Altman aren't nearly as groundbreaking as someone wants us to believe but they aren't doing any real damage right now.

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I'm with @Khan that DAYS doesn't need to be renewed. They haven't showed me anything within the last years that shows me they deserve it. The stories are drab and shooting months ahead still ain't working. Saddened to say this but it's time to send it into the great beyond. 


Dare I say it too but GH needs to be scrapped too. Getting rid of Frank won't make a difference b/c knowing this genre, they'll be stupid and hire someone like Chris Goutman, who'll go make things twenty times worse. GH is dead and done. Time to move on. 

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I love the comment about the lightweight executive.   I hope both shows are renewed.   People always say they want shows canceled on soap forums, well lets ask the ATWT fans how much they are enjoying their show these days.  Canceling does no fan any good.  If you don't like GH or DOOL then don't watch, and let those who enjoy them continue to enjoy them for as long as they can.

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I've been enjoying DAYS again since I returned to watching full time in late July. But if it was cancelled, the fact that I'd get roughly 5 hours a week of my life back doesn't sound so bad. At least with Griffith I'd have faith he'd end the show decently.


GH has been dead to me for years and historically speaking, I've always found it the least interesting of the long time soaps anyway.

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I love ATWT and would love for it to still be on air but a large part of me is glad that it's dead and no longer be made into a hollow form of what it used to be and could be. 


You can enjoy GH and DOOL but don't get pissed b/c others feel that the shows would be better off canceled. It does a world of good when the shows are stagnant and relying heavily on the same tropes and stories. 

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There is not much of GH that's enjoyable. There was not much that was enjoyable about GL or ATWT in it's last years. It's very painful to watch GH badly written year after year. At this point i don't care if it's cancelled, this is coming from someone that loves soaps. With Days ratings is an upswing Days has a good shot at renewal. GH's ratings are very low but what is ABC going to replace it with? 

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No show is better off canceled because then it is gone.   I don't care for GH at the moment and so I stop watching for days at a time.   But somewhere someone with poor taste loved the Guza years and is ecstatic to see Sonny, Carly, Jason, Sam, and Liz back on their screens.  I don't understand it, but they like it.  


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