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RUMOR: Days and GH's Fates Revealed? An EP put on notice?

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Huh, I was just saying a few hours ago that Days was probably working towards a renewal because of them dropping actors from contracts and such. Makes sense that they're going into negotiations soon and they're probably going to try and drop the price so that NBC will renew it. 

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I wonder why the existing hour shows still have large casts with a lot of characters that have very little story.Surely they could save serious dollars by trimming down the cast,have more people recurring and write for the contract people. More of a 60's/70's approach.

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I don't really care if Days isn't fresh or exciting anymore. I have a lot of nostalgia for the show and as long as there are a few entertaining aspects I want for it to still be around. I really don't need a lot from the tv I watch - which I know is paramount to sacrilege in these parts - and I like being able to stop watching when I care for literally nothing on the show but knowing I can switch it back on when I need to. The show is never going to be what it was in the 1960s. Its never going to 'rejuvenate' itself enough to be 'saved'. But I don't see how why or how there would be an active need for it to be cancelled. Its not that deep - just stop watching. And I don't want a new soap - legit the thing that most appeals to me about the genre - maybe the ONLY thing that appeals to me about the genre - is the longevity and the nostalgia. Jennifer Horton may be a shell of who she was 25 years ago but she's still Jennifer Horton - Bill and Laura's daughter; Tom and Alice's grandaughter, JJ and Abby's mother. And there's some comfort for me in that. Which is tremendously sappy, I know. But I guess I'm a sap! 

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Everyone keeps going on about cancelling the shows and getting their time back. Well no one is forcing you to watch. Sorry, ranting about how the shows need to end irritates me.

I'd rather we have all three of the ABC soaps on the air. None of them "deserved" to be cancelled. But If it were either/or, I'd rather have AMC/OLTL back over GH.

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Why not though? Like, who cares? Is it because the continuation of these shows will ~tarnish some ~legacy (lets be real, if thats happened - it happened LONG ago)? Is it to free up space for something more exciting that will not take its place unless you're a talk show enthusiast?

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Soaps can run indefinitely with the proper care. Unfortunately no one bothers and hasn't bothered in about 20 years. 


Guza completely and utterly hollowed GH out. The only reason it's still on the air is Brian Frons. I think even now there is a case to salvage the show, but it will take someone far more talented than a man who will mostly be remembered for the wank fantasies of Nellie Oleson and Daytime Confidential.

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Wishing a show canceled NEVER makes it so, but what you are suggesting certainly does.  Shows get canceled because viewers are not interested, which is the opposite of the folks complaining. Complaints mean the interest is still there.  GH is garbage, and if ABCd does not invest, bye!  Handing a second show to Frank, who had no experience in the genre [or anything] prior to OLTL, showed that ABC was done with GH and only used it until something with staying power came along.  You don't put something you care about in the hands of Valentini.  Days cannot continue on with no money, so if they don't severely cut that cast and abandon their 2 year ahead taping schedule, it may as well go too.  

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Mostly because P&G hadn't given a damn in years. 


I remember how it was supposed to be logical for ABC to cancel all their soaps because The Revolution and The Chew were sure to be easy moneymakers. The Chew is still around, taking up space, but the Revolution was enough of a sinkhole that it along with that GAA flop scared ABC away from canning GH.

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Has this been posted on here before? http://www.vulture.com/2015/10/primetime-soap-operas-are-back.html 

An article from Vulture about how TV fell back in love with soaps. I do think there is an audience for daytime soaps. I've seen the comments from Pratt and other writers about how they want their shows to have a primetime feel. Then I watch these primetime shows and all I see are classic soap story lines with a modern twist and bigger budget. 

I think the thing that frustrates me the most about American soaps is that they have so many episodes to tell a story and they don't capitalize off it. With other scripted dramas you know there is only going to be a certain amount of episodes. I understand some things will take place off screen. What is the excuse for daytime? I get budget and other factors are probably the reason but still it is disappointing. 


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