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RUMOR: Days and GH's Fates Revealed? An EP put on notice?

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I have to disagree. I agree that any soap that canceled within the last ten years needed to be gone--gone out the hands of destructive powers. P&G was never going to allow GL or ATWT to improve because they wanted them dead. 


It's like a death of a family member or close friend. They're on life support. On one hand, you selfishly want them to live and fight the good fight, but you know deep down you have to let them go. I'm at that point with all soaps. I'd rather some new soaps via new blood emerge on the scene. Nothing with traces of yesteryear. 

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I think neither soap is in danger, really. For years, the big rumor was always that the networks wanted to get rid of soaps altogether, but more and more, I'm starting to think that the real goal was to just get down to one show. That way, the network gets free use of the "committed to the genre" trope at the cost of keeping their most popular soap on the air, despite low ratings and dubious quality, which is a lot easier to do than keeping two or three on the air (CBS being the exception to the rule). Remember when the cancellations of 2009-2011 happened, and we were told a bunch of pompous sh!t about the "television diet" of the average American woman blah blah blah? And then once AMC and OLTL were gone, the tide turned and ABC became "committed" to preserving their "soap opera heritage," which is no big deal now that "being committed to the genre" merely means keeping one show on the air without really paying too much attention to it.

Another angle, though I'm not sure if it actually matters to TPTB or not, but does NBC or ABC want to be the first network to be completely rid of daytime soaps? It could be a total non-factor to those making the decisions, but that's basically where we are if one of these particular soaps is truly in trouble.

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If you want to let the soap go it is very easy, but someone else is enjoying it.  So the answer is you stop watching and they do, not the show gets canceled so your taste remains. 


This is the forum whose most popular thread is The Real Housewives of Braindead America.   I am not sure the networks should put much stock in the tastes of SON.com

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That they are thinking of getting rid of Frank rather than just keeping him out because they're done with the show anyway makes me a little more hopeful they won't just hire a Goutman, because it means someone at the network has a modicum of interest.

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But that's more about the network or company than the show itself. I think the last year of GL showed it still had potential, and the AMC and OLTL reboots did the same. The shows, if anyone had cared, still could have survived. I wonder at times if ABC has any regrets over how terribly they handled all of that, especially since they still never found anything to replace OLTL (beyond moving GH back an hour). Given that Frons was punted somewhere soon after, I wouldn't be surprised.

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I see both sides of this. On one hand, I'm very thankful that AMC ended just in time to miss its inevitable chance to be written by Ronald, and I'm glad that enough years have passed since the ABC finale that the bulk of any conversation about it is positive. I'm glad that the entire series can now be analyzed and discussed as a somewhat complete narrative.

On the OTHER hand, cancelled soaps haven't been consistently replaced with new soaps in over 25 years, and the way pop culture is set up, when a soap ends its run, it doesn't matter that it's been on for over 40 years -- it's gone, and it's seemingly gone forever. Thank god we're in the era of YouTube, where we have access to tons and tons of episodes and clips that keep the shows' legacies alive. If it was up to the distributors of these shows, we'd never see a second of them ever again, much less full episodes.

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I think for all the things Frank does right, he gets plenty wrong.  But of all the make it cheap daytime EP's, I still think his production is better.  Tomlin, De Cazotte, Goutman, all had worse looking shows.

His input in casting is atrocious.  And if they were not going to outright cut the dead weight from Ron, they should have put those characters into new stories, orbits, and the show is dull.  It went from a cartoon to bland, generic, and dull.


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Ron Carlivati special…..

Jean Passanante at her best!!



American daytime soaps need to do telenovela type soaps. Where the soap has a beginning, middle and ending and lasts from 6 months to a year. Imagine having Elizabeth Hubbard working with say a Heather Tom. And I don't mean that mess that Port Charles did with their arcs…that was horrible….even though they had arcs the soap was still called PC and featured the same character whether they were the lead or not….if I remember it correctly.

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Well I hope that is true but I never put it out my mind that Goutman could potentially be hired. Especially when JP, who is there, could possibly rally for him to get the job. Plus, soaps are so adamant on keeping old blood instead of allowing someone new to come in and give the show a fresh perspective. 

I for one agree with this. Give me a fresh soap with fresh writers, who have not been in the industry at all. 

I thought the reboots for OLTL and AMC were stellar but I did not enjoy the last year of GL. It had it bright spots but I still didn't care for the production side of the show. Anything Peapack just makes me wanna cry. Sorry. 


But I do think that there is some regret on ABC's part. I think they thought that the reception for the loss of AMC and OLTL was gonna be like when the P&G soaps were dumped on CBS--that people were gonna revolt for a sec but move on. It didn't happen. ABC daytime has suffered tremendously since. Seeing as ABC owned both shows, I always felt they should've just bumped the shows to thirty minutes AFTER cleaning house of writers and producers. Fresh faces, fresh perspectives. 


But I don't think that soaps are gonna go away like the western genre did. Soaps still sell. I think they'll arise again with a new model that costs less. 

I've been saying the model is broken. Soaps need to be cut down to 3-4 days. They also need summer or winter hiatuses like Australian soaps get. That'll save networks tons of money. 

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