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DAYS: Claire news

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I don't know why they have to age Claire either. I'd rather see Shawn D interacting with a younger daughter. Jason Cook has a great way with kids. I guess this is for storyline purposes. I'm still upset over Lauren Boles leaving. I wanted to watch her grow up on Days like Robin on GH. And I was wanting to see her and Peter Reckell in scenes again. So are Claire and Ciara going to be the same age now?

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She's definitely a perfect casting choice as Kirsten Storms' daughter!

Yeah, I have to agree it being weird that Belle and Shawn are the parents of a teen. Yes, I know, it's only 5 years, soaps do it all the time, yada yada yada.... but it's different when the parents have the age and maturity to match. When Phillip was aged from 4 years to 16 years, no one batted an eye, because he was the son of Victor and Kate. But with Shawn and Belle, they still look like they're under 30 and just have that youthful look to them (well, Shawn does...)

And another thing that's annoying is that once these teens reach 18 years, they're suddenly 21. Once they graduate highschool, they're getting the adult problems, going to bars and ordering alcoholic beverages. No. They've still got 3 years to go.

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This truly drives me insane. They rarely ever let college (or the 18-22 years) play out. Belle & co. graduated high school in 2002, went to college that fall, and within two years, school was forgotten and they were dealing with engagements and babies and stuff. Chelsea and Stephanie went to college long enough to have the sorority/Ford Decker story, and then they were working and getting engaged and whatnot, too. They just did it to Will last year, too -- he should've been a college sophomore the year Ari was born, but then he suddenly became a (terrible) journalist. I'm betting that when Joey shows up, JJ magically never mentions Salem U again and is suddenly drinking age.

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