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Backstage Mysteries: Forever Unsolved

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Oh boy..."Listen TOOTS!," hey somebody had to say it!

I loved Kim as she was totally on her own as matriarch...she was tough, but she was warm and loving, and she could be a real ball's out bitch. She was kinda like a real woman. Marie Masters I love but her Susan was way too...sedate. Though I did love her annoyance when Kim got going and with both Lisa and Lucinda. Nobody could pull Kim's chain like Susan.

Also, I loved that Bob and Kim acted like they were an old married couple..(I never really believe Nancy and Chris/Alice and Tome, were in love and had sex, but Bob and Kim I did) and it was like watching your parents fight when Bob got in on with that hussy Stewart woman and Kim found out! I like that they had the history and were friends who got together later in life.

Marie Masters truly needs to let everyone know what her secret is to staying young. The woman looks great.

I liked Lisa the best after Denture McColl kicked the bucket and Fulton returned and had her bitch fights with Luinda. I liked that Lisa was the head of her own family and all the kids were come to her with her weird advice and she was always sticking her nose into their business and all the lost young people of Oakdale like Marcy moved in with her. Fulton was always great with younger people and it was cool that Lisa finally had a family of her own. The real beggining of the end was under Marland when she lost the McColl kids and played second fiddle to Kim.

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I think Eileen's Lisa did interact with Whit a lot. I remember her being on a scene with Whit, Betsy, and Craig on a property that Whit was supposed to be building. I think it was later made his mansion because Steve was working on it. I think Betsy was pregnant or about to marry Craig. I think it is on one of the ATWT DVDs I bought.

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Lisa came back after one of Fuilton's extended vacations and we found out she had married Whit in Europe. There was a rapist or somebody breaking into house in Lisa's hood so Margo stayed the night in Lisa's bed as decoy. Whit came in started to make the moves thinking it was Lisa and got the crap beat our of him by big lumbering Margo! Thats when we found out they were married and then Whit started hating on Margo and Tom. That was the summer and I think in the spring Fulton left and it was a suprise party for Whit where Diana is introduced and Lisa throws cake in Whits face...when Fulton came back Whit was dead on the floor!

I saw what the Dobson's were trying to do with having Lisa and Whit as a bickering couple and Whit turned on because Lisa stood up to him but the casting of the actor was all wrong and then Fulton started changing her hair color and stuttering and acting like Lisa was brain dead and it went to crap. Lisa never did find out that Whit was actually married to someone else...(I LOVED "Aunt Charmaine" and wish she had stayed for when Fulton returned, they would be hilarious together.)

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I never found there was any chemistry between Lisa and Whit. I think that from among her various leading men, Lisa and Grant Coleman worked best. I would have liked them to get back together as the show drew to a close.

Of course, Goutman and Jean P. didn't give me ANYTHING I wanted to see in Oakdale's final days. :(

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Lisa wanted Bob back. She had for decades. But especially when Bob and Kim "split" for a day during that foolishness that was their invalid marriage, and both Susan and Lisa came onto Bob hoping he'd come to his senses and reconcile with Kim--Susan was badly play acting, but Lisa was sincere. Fulton played that well.

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Getting back to the gorilla - WHY anyone thought that was a good idea.

I only got to watch AW the last couple of years of its run and hoped it would get a finale worthy of its talented cast and rich history, which is what I hoped for when I set the VCR and then left for a weekend trip in Toronto on Friday, June 25, 1999. When I came back home and finally got to watch it, I was appalled. I was also embarrassed for the cast, especially the vets like Vicky Wyndham, Linda Dano and Stephen Schnetzer.

Plus, if you're going to have a fake gorilla on your show can't you at least make it look somewhat real? Have a trained gorilla on for a few minutes instead of some poor guy running around in costume?

Once the gorilla was out of the way, the rest of the episode was pretty good - especially the final scene in the Cory living room. Why couldn't the entire episode have been like that?

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