Members juppiter Posted August 8, 2014 Members Share Posted August 8, 2014 Nicole did not deserve this second chance. But now that she has it, I'm curious to see what happens. If these two ladies are smart, it should be 4 men on the block. Whichever one nominates Victoria is the official season ruiner. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members NothinButAttitude Posted August 8, 2014 Author Members Share Posted August 8, 2014 Well that would be Christine. Her noms are obvious. She's of course is going to nominate Donny/Victoria. Only way I see C*ntsine nominating two men in her alliance is if Nicole gets wind of Cody and Derrick tossing Christine under bus to her. But will Christine believe her? Doubt it. I think Nicole is going to play dirty and vengefully now and she's going to nominate Frankie and possibly Cody. Maybe even Derrick. She told Zach he's safe and she's not nominating him this week. Zach and possibly Caleb are the only two I see going unscathed this week. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members NothinButAttitude Posted August 8, 2014 Author Members Share Posted August 8, 2014 The hamsters are freaking out. Well the male hamsters (minus Donny) are. Frankie told Christine and Nicole to put Derrick/Caleb/Zach/Cody because he senses that they are onto him, which they are. Nicole and Zach had a heart to heart and spilled everything and every alliance they've had thus far; however, Zach, after being sworn to secrecy, went and told Derrick and Cody. Overall, Frankie's game is screwed at this point and the Detonators are dead. The boys realize that all the lies referring to Hayden came from Frankie and Christine, and they are feeling bad that they evicted him now. Everyone wants Christine and Frankie gone. Oh and Victoria is going around acting stupid and worried she is going up because she flipped the vote twice and voted out Jocasta and Hayden. By her doing that, she's getting on Nicole's nerves. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted August 8, 2014 Members Share Posted August 8, 2014 Nicole hates Victoria because she's jealous over her friendship with Hayden. Nothing more. She's a spiteful jealous brat. But I like her. Seriously, I don't know how Cody and Derrick got off Scott free but they did, so far. Everyone is very anti Frankie and Christine. Frankie's desperation last night was obvious and he was clearly trying to hold it together as he scrambled. I loved it. Nicole did tell zach that Cody and derick spproached her and Hayden to get him out but he brushed it off saying they have his back. He then told Cody nearly everything about his conversation with Nicole. This should be a fun week but you know the dr and Derrick will not let Frankie be backdoored. And I'm fine with that cuz he'd just come back, he needs to go after someone returns. The noms will be some combo of Caleb/Frankie/Zach/Victoria, I think. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members John Posted August 8, 2014 Members Share Posted August 8, 2014 Nicole nominated Caleb & Frankie Cristine nominated Donny & Zach Caleb plans to throw the BOB Comp and if either him or Frankie win POV, Cristine will be the replacement nominee who goes home if Frankie ends up safe. I do feel Donny & Zach could win BOB on their own merit Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members NothinButAttitude Posted August 8, 2014 Author Members Share Posted August 8, 2014 Christine is such a basic bitch. With Caleb throwing it and Zach staying for sure, he's going to make her life a living hell for the next couple of days. Tossing away her game just to protect Frankie, who will toss her Squidward looking ass under the bus in a millisecond just to save his own behind. But I hope Nicole has not let Derrick and Cody off so easily. Their "excuse" for keep Zach made no sense whatsoever. They had the numbers. It could've been 5-3 or 4-4 last night had Derrick and Cody not switched. And they wouldn't've had targets on their backs either. Trust and believe if Frankie and Christine survive this week, they are slapping these two assholes on the block. I really need Derrick to go next week so that we can see Cody's bitch ass crumble like a cookie. What would be funnier is if Frankie was the one to cause a Derrick boot when Derrick could've caused Frankie to be booted last week. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members juppiter Posted August 8, 2014 Members Share Posted August 8, 2014 I actually don't even think Derrick is an !@#$%^&*]. He is just good at this game which makes him boring. Cody is a huge !@#$%^&*] though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members NothinButAttitude Posted August 8, 2014 Author Members Share Posted August 8, 2014 Derrick isn't that good. He's playing a similar game like Helen/Amanda did last season. Yes, he has a hand in controlling house dynamics, but he boots off true allies instead. Just like stupid ass Cody, he had Jocasta in pocket. Brittany. Hayden. Amber. Paola. Even Devin. But he let this "Team America" twist and The Detonators get to his head. I don't see him even touching final four. He'll probably get to final five at the most. Once Christine and Frankie are removed, he'll be #1 target and Cody will be #2. And with Hayden being the favorite to return, his head will definitely be on a platter. Hayden (post eviction) quickly became aware that Cody and Derrick are not to be trusted. For the rest of the game, Derrick will have to look over his shoulder to really ensure his safety. Frankie will not let it slide by that Derrick had a hand in his nomination today. He won't. Neither will Christine if she's slapped on the block after veto. He could've cruised to the finals has he booted Zach last night and gotten Caleb to get rid of Frankie in the 2nd eviction. Now people like Zach, Caleb, and Victoria are sitting pretty while Derrick's plan to "keep numbers" has shot him in the foot. His numbers have quickly dismantled. He's lost Frankie and Christine. Zach is a wild card that can't be controlled, so he'll never know what Zach is going to do. I personally don't think Nicole trusts him. I think she's playing along with him for now. Donny has been onto Derrick for weeks but he won't touch him b/c production is probably coaching him not to (yet). Derrick has an uphill battle to secure a win. It's possible but it's going to be hard. Downside is that I picture this jury is going to be very bitter. Especially if Christine and Frankie are on it. I can easily see them trying to poison enough people to secure a win for someone like a Zach, Caleb, or Victoria to win if Derrick sits opposite them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted August 8, 2014 Members Share Posted August 8, 2014 Zach laying in bed, near-tears over Frankie's betrayal breaks my heart a little. Reminds me of why I like Zach so much, even though he's his own worst enemy in the game. He wants to be so tough, but he's really a soft kid underneath. I just know they will rig this for Frankie and it upsets me more than this show ever rationally should Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members NothinButAttitude Posted August 9, 2014 Author Members Share Posted August 9, 2014 Of course they are going to rig it and Frankie stays. Watch and see Caleb be the one evicted this upcoming Thursday. They (production) are already coaching Frankie to play up the wounded bird act on feeds, which is causing an uproar on Twitter. They are going spin him a nice edit on Sunday's episode too. Especially after Caleb and Zach plan to berate him after the BoTB comp tonight. But the astute viewers know that Frankie is simply getting his comeuppance. He's played a dirty game and now he's paying for it. I just wish that Derrick would get his sooner as well too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members juppiter Posted August 9, 2014 Members Share Posted August 9, 2014 Yeah a bunch of people are writing letters to CBS saying that Frankie is being bullied. lmao. Oh, BB fans. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted August 9, 2014 Members Share Posted August 9, 2014 Frankie won (surprise!). Frankie and Zach got into an argument. Frankie told the guys (all the guys but Donny, then later Donny came in) that his sister is Ariana Grande, he is in social media, he's not a millionaire, he has a charity in Africa, blah blah blah. Most of them had no idea who Ariana Grande is (Derrick called her "Amanda Grande"), but seem happy for him. He's blaming his "mood swings" on his grandfather's death. Reprehensible. Caleb had the best line in all of this - "Are you really gay?" Sucks that we will lose Zach, Nicole or Donny this week. I just want to skip to Thursday right now. You know, I lost my grandfather, and it hurt. It hurt a lot. That wasn't a happy time for my family. There was fallout. And I would never, ever, ever use his death this way. It's wrong Frankie just disgusts me. I don't think I can take watching him any more. It was already hard enough but this is just wrong. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members NothinButAttitude Posted August 9, 2014 Author Members Share Posted August 9, 2014 And with this reveal, Frankie has single-handedly won over these stupid ass hamsters. Everything he's done will practically be forgiven. Save Donny and Zach and then nuke the house. These bitches are worthless. This season is f*cked. Over. Done. Finito. Only thing that could save this week is if Frankie got Derrick or Cody out. Other than that, I think I am done with season 16 like I gave up on season 14 when Janelle got booted. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members John Posted August 9, 2014 Members Share Posted August 9, 2014 Who gives a flying !@#$%^&*] who Frankie is related to. He still throws everyone under a bus and switches on a dime. To use his Gramps passing as what motivate dhim to play dirty. He has been doing that [!@#$%^&*] since week two. Please Houseguests, wakeup & get Frankie out when you can. ASAP Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members NothinButAttitude Posted August 9, 2014 Author Members Share Posted August 9, 2014 They won't. At least fame-hungry Caleb and the girls won't. Not now. Derrick actually won me over a few seconds ago by calling production out, and vowing he'd rather be sent home then remain in the game. It's blatantly obvious production rigged it. Hell, the houseguests are calling it out. Allison GrodBITCH and her team needs to be cleaned out after this season. Dead. Ass. Serious. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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