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Y&R: June 2014 Discussion Thread

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I'm sure I am annoying as hell, so I apologize in advance. But I am loving the Paul/Nikki/Victor/Dylan/Ian story. It's what is keeping me tuned in. I was apathetic about Jason on GH, but I really enjoy Dylan on Y&R (wish he could be freed from Avery, or they would recast). Ienjoy Billy and Chelsea and I will miss David Tom. I saw Burgess Jenkins on some movie the other day, and I wasn't impressed, but it doesn't really matter because he's going to be wrapped up with Victoria. I am now FFing anything Lily/Neil/Hillary. And I'm bored with the whole Mariah/Ian Sharon story so I pay half attention.

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I don't believe there's any need to apologize, rhinohide. I think it's great you're enjoying something on Y&R. I just wish I shared your enthusiasm. sad.png

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I feel the same way, except I actively disliked Jason for the most part. I like Dylan though and I'm interested in his interaction with all of the Newman's and Paul.

Avery doesn't really interest me. I'm not as outraged as some about her cooking show, but I do think she's a boring character. I'd like to see less of her, but she can stick around as the good woman who's always getting screwed over by the interesting people. I wouldn't mind if Chelsea and Dylan hooked up again.

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Rhino I like the paternity story too, mainly because of Paul I've always liked him from back in the day..Also I suspected early on Dylan is Paul/Nikki' son and Paul can use some family on the show so I'm not minding the paternity flipping; also enjoyed the Niki/Paul flashbacks was a nice touch.

Neil asked Hillary to marry him already? Huh?

I think Christine is going to flip out when she learns about Dylan...she' become baby obsessed...who knew?

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I also enjoy Billy & Chelsea and it is beyond my grasp why they fired David Tom because he is working in the role. It's "Villy" that's DOA for years. And FauxToria

As for Steve Burton: he is just so unnecessary; I don't mind him and the story is pretty decent but ANY other actor with some bigger acting chops would propel it to the next level.

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OK, ok.... I take it back! laugh.png maybe its not a hook up romantically with Noah/Mariah but they become friendlier..... a romance w/Mariah would be creepy from Noah' end but Mariah doesn't have that going if she fell for him, still, that hadn't dawn on me....until after I read the responses that would be quite weird...

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Same. He isn't as toxic to Y&R, I think, as he was to GH, but he's still very wooden as an actor and what could be an interesting character is being hampered as a result.

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Do you all think Chris Goutman would be an improvement over JFP? Honestly this news of a new associate producer. Honestly I wonder if Jill's job is in jeopardy. Her two years at Y and R she hadn't experienced much critical acclaim her ratings were good until this spring she crashed.

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Well "enthusiasm" is probably too strong. I don't cringe and roll my eyes as if I'm having a seizure the way I do when I watch that craptastic GH. But I do FF A LOT!

I don't hate Avery really. She's just like so many other bland boring chicks on the show. Cooking show really did her no favors. And she never really gets screwed over by the interesting people.

Yay Cyber! Me too.

Yes Neil proposed in what must be record time. I did love how Hillary threw it in Leslie (? isn't that her name? Why can't I remember?) face when Leslie was implying out loud that Hillary is just Neil's rebound. That whole thing made me really dislike that chick.

I'm not going to defend Steve or pretend like he's the master thespian who raises the bar for all other performers on the show. But compared to most of the other talent, he doesn't stand out as significantly worse than any other. I don't hate DT as much as I once did, but he's on one end of that spectrum. Weird twitches and distorting his mouth in ways I didn't think were humanly possible. That's not what I consider stellar. And there are plenty of stone faced actors out there that are at least as bad at "emoting" as Steve. So I think he's fine in the role and he fits. I love his scenes either Nikki and Victor or Paul. I actually think the guy who plays Stitch/Ben is worse than Josh or Steve, IMHO.

Thank you! Hugs.

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Is Austin the son of Ricky? In other words, is Austin Paul's grandson...now there would be a twist ala Henry Slesar!

I have to say, Jean and Shelly are old school and writing the show like the modern day Irna Phillips. It's slow and boring and more character driven...I hope Nikki starts talking about remembering to take out the salad dressing so it will be at room temperature like Nancy Hughes used to do...

Stitch can't act but he's totally hot.

Victor's a downright !@#$%^&*] cat.

I like Dixie er I mean Annie er I mean Kelliy.

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