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Y&R: June 2014 Discussion Thread

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They had new eye shadow come out when the Winters were running the ship back in late 2012 early 2013. But we didn't get to see the particulars about it. Remember Tyler's "eye" and the guerrilla marketing job Lily had. While the execution left something to be desired, I was happy to see that being played because we hadn't seen scenes like that in 7 years.

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I thought that folks complained incessantly about the Winters running Jabot is why it was dropped. I don't think JG was shut down because when they put the Winters over Chelsea's fashion line that also got work scenes. None from Chelsea herself but mostly from Lily, Tyler, Neil, Devon. Then Lily and Devon moved to the GCAC and picked back up where they left off with the attempt at business SLs. My personal opinion is that they struggle to write for them so much that they are the people who get to be shown working because at least that gives them something to write. As soon as they took Neil out of that CEO spot, Jabot stopped getting play. A possible second reason is that Neil/KSJ excels in those scenes so they like to write those for him. Maybe? Still trying to figure out why they are the only ones that can be shown working.

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Ok I just cant with BJ as Billy no matter how his body looks. Im sorry but he just looks like someone's dad hanging out at the rooftop. Also if I were YR id put Stitch with Ashley and I would have kept DT as Billy and done a Billy/Chelsea/Adam triangle with the Adam recast coming. Id have Victoria leave town until a recast can be found. She is not needed at this moment. Baby or no baby.

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Thanks re: the building I missed them deciding against it.... I too think Stitch had more promise/chemistry with Ashley then the next thing I know he's pushing all up on Victoria the direction changed completely and she' already sucked the life out of him..he hasn't even been with that long..sorry Victoria fans but I haven't' liked her since the very early days of Villy before she turned dull and drab.

Oh back in the days when I'd see Ashley in the lab with her white coat sniffing perfume samples and Jack sniffing the stick...WoW I forgot all about that Jabot....and then Fenmores....I use to eat those scenes up..I wish they would show that from time to time, we actually knew the names of some perfumes.

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See, that's what I'm talking about! Something tangible in development! You'd see beakers and liquids bubbling on Bunsen burners and Ashley wearing her safety goggles and latex gloves and the pipettes.

Despite all of Ashley's drama and personal frailties, she looked every bit the part of the dedicated scientist/chemist who was most at home in her lab. I don't get this dedication to craft or life's work from any of today's characters...not even the long time characters.

Lauren, for all her schemes, we at least saw her with dresses and gowns, especially when GC dames would enter to buy something for some shindig at the Colonnade Room.

Even Sheila, for heaven's sake was a nurse!

I would have loved if they had introduced Mason as a chemist at Jabot. Even if he turned out to be a hustler, we might have cared about his character just a little if we could've seen that he was...say, a junior chemist who although good at what he does, is unsatisfied with his life and envious of what Devon has-- that would've provided some sensible motive for how he acted and what he did to Devon. Not just blind jealousy. Then if you would've added the Hillary factor, when Hillary dumps him and he guesses it has to be because of Devon...boom, Story!

Instead we get this Neil, Hillary foolishness, which is a failed retread of the John, Jill & Jack story.

How hard can it be Y&R??

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I haven't been watching consistently, but every time I do catch a glimpse lately, Sharon Case has been looking exquisite. The wardrobe and hair people seem to really like her these days. She was dressed and style like absolutely sh!t during the MAB years (which makes me believe the rumours that MAB hated Case and the character).

I think the show could be salvageable if they had better writers. It's not offensively bad as it was from in 2007 or 2009-2012, but they could stand to get rid of some characters and tell better stories. No real character damage is happening, it's just very boring and tedious.

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ugh at Victoria being pointless again today. Snoozeworthy as always!

Didn't Billy and Kevin become almost friends when Kevin got him in to see Delia?

Christine never had any interest in her ovaries before, why start now?

The elusive Asian Nurse from PC was in Dylan's room today!

Ready for Nikki vs. Cricket. I think we all know Phyllis should sneak back to town to swat the bug!

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