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I obviously can't figure out the new quoting option now.  Sorry about the above post...


Anyway, yeah, blatant statements... go back and watch the Clinton plugs.  Those aren't facts.  They are plugs.  Which honestly, good for Cookie, she wants to elect Hillary.  That is her right.  But it's blatantly obvious the show would like to make their audience believe that's the right choice versus offering another side.  But honestly, there shouldn't be sides because my fictional entertainment TV show shouldn't be bringing that type of stuff up, especially if it's not a political show.

Edited by alwaysAMC
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But that's not what Cookie said. Cookie said if Hilary's camp wants to win the election (not an endorsement of her candidacy one way or the other) then she needs to pay attention to Black Lives Matter movement & the Free Lucious rally.

That's not wrong nor is it that far off from real life & this show has always been political (from the very beginning).

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My whole point is WHY bring them up in the first place?  If you dissect that, do you really want Hillary Clinton to associate with the Free Lucious rally?  The man that murdered another man?  The man that then convinced thugs in a prison to murder ANOTHER man?  You really want Hillary and the rest of her supporters to support THAT?  Of course not.  But then again, this is fictional entertainment... of course we like Lucious, the murderer.  It's not real, so don't bring in real sh!t like modern day politics.  And if you do, why couldn't it have been Donald Trump, Carly Fiorina, Jeb Bush, etc?  Oh, it's probably because the writers/producers/etc. like Hillary Clinton and want her name out there.  ;)

Edited by alwaysAMC
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Tonight's episode was the first I have watched. Cookie slapping Jamal not only once but twice( shocking) was great! 

The show moves way too fast. Marisa T. character …was that her first episode airing? The reveal that she was in co hoots with Lucious fell flat for me. It just happened too quickly. Remember the days of Dallas when the reveal of JR's side partners had great surprising reveals. 

Btw who is Jamal's bf? He looked good!

I didnt care for free Lucious rally at the beginning with Cookie in a cage and in an ape costume. I thought for a second I was watching the last episode of AW….LOL.  I didnt understand or care for the Hillary C. reference either….

I did love Cookie's one liners…."Why are you over there crying like Tammy Fay?"….LOL

Edited by Soapsuds
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Man I [!@#$%^&*] love this show. It did move too fast for me towards the end of last season but today I didnt mind it. It felt like both a wrap up to some story arcs last season and a set up for this season. 

Jamal is quite hateable. I love Marisas Mimi. 

Chris Rock was defffff the weak spot. Did not buy him one bit. 

Cookie had me cracking up the whole episode as usual. 

And I didnt see the Hillary mention as an endorsement at all. In fact I took it more so meaning that Hillary aint sh*t. Cuz she isnt. 

Edited by Days22
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That was a super-nuts premiere and very fast-paced, but it worked for me. As others have said, they spent so much time setting up the family dynamic last year that we know them all and how they tick now - they drive anything insane, so it almost always works, IMO.


Most of the reviews has been good, but I laughed at the perpetual agony aunts at the AV Club being appalled over the gorilla suit. I thought that was making a real point while being an OMG moment, while also acknowledging that the Lyons did it (and the entire Free Lucious concert) for shock value. It was shocking, true and earnest, cynical and subversive all at once - which I think is what Empire always is.


Marisa Tomei was wonderful and I need more of her. As I said in the status ticker, she has become a really powerful actress with age. I didn't mind Chris Rock - I thought he had a very certain appropriate flat affect that worked for the character, and they were able to wrap up the Frank plotline. I look forward to seeing more of his kid.


Lucious and Cookie were both in top form, as always. And everything from Anika being forced to work it out with Mimi to Jamal winning Michael back but being a much darker, more difficult man (and dealing with the various strata of gay life) was pitched as both very lurid and raw. The ending with Jamal struggling to keep his fury, forcing Cookie out and their both being heartbroken as the door closes was gutwrenching. The show is outrageous but it's also also always real, and it's still the best soap on TV. IMO it never shocks without their being a purpose. That's why it works.

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After watching a second time (and alone because I went to a watch party) the show wasn't as bad as I thought. Cookie's mini monologue was amazing. I've never seen a prime time television show take the system to task like that and probably won't again for a long time.


Jamal being an !@#$%^&*] and riding so hard for Lucious is so sudden and should've been gradual. I agree with whomever said the courting of Mimi should've been played out over the course of several episodes.


I can NOT with Anika's twerking and Cookie telling her she can't even d--e right. This show is an unapologetic mess!


Yaaaasss to them playing "Flick of Da Wrist"!

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I thought too much was jammed back at the beginning, but overall, I loved it.  Luscious continues to be everything.  Super happy Chris Rock didn't go passed one eppy, but I wish the take over foil had gone on a few eppies.  I'm hoping this is the last we will see of speedy storytelling, but I don't trust IC!  She's an idiot.  


I don't believe Jamal can ever be likable.  He's been trying to be bad ass since the beginning, and Lee hasn't quit yet.  He should remain the good son, and any influence Daniels has over this character should end now!  He's destroying the poor thing.  Luscious and Jamal's quick turn around is horrible.  That should have developed onscreen.  Homophobic dad who puts you in the trash can as a child is your bestie?  I needed to see this relationship change.  IC is an idiot.  


The final scene with Cookie Monster and Jamal was all kinds of everything and TP acted her ass off with no words!  IC is still an idiot!  


Luscious Lyon makes me miss JR Ewing less, and that takes quite the villain to do that.  No one has come close (maybe Tywin Lannister).  IC is still an idiot!

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Chris Rock could not have been more miscast. It was just laughable that he was this big bad that Cookie was scared to rat on back in S1. Like it doesn't take much to break his bones.  I loved Cookie and Lucious.

I was dying at Annika saying that she did sleep with her and Cookie's line back to her. Oh and her being called Anita the majority of the night.

Jamal turning into Lucious .... nagl

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