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Empire: Discussion Thread


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Stop leaving out key plot points. Theres alot we were told that we didnt see and characters reacted to major revelations off screen. I really wanted to see Cookie' face when she learned of Anika and Hakeem for example. Or how she and Porsha plotted to turn the tables on her

Embrace the celebrity culture. These people are stars but it doesnt really come across as much on the show. There should be more glitz and glam and the public should be all over them

Give Porsha a new hairstyle. I cant beleive she went 10 or so episodes with that same ugly look

More Teyana. I liked her and thought more could have been done but its like they lost interest out of her quickly

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It already is a soap opera, flaws and all, and whatever changes they may make no one is interested in your fanfic version of it so please stop talking about it.

And sorry, I liked Vernon and would have kept him around, but he was a third-tier player at best and not some major loss either.

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Now THIS is a soap opera! I've seen this show. It understands storyline continuity and real dramatic aspects very well. Why 50 cent even bothered accusing Empire writers/producers of stealing anything from him, I'll never know.

Edited by Vanguardian
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Count me in with the group who doesn't need a rival family. There is way more than enough story to tell with just the Lyons and their associates. They have different levels of rivalries with each other, but that's also balanced with levels of love and support. The show's heart and soul lies in that one conflict, IMO. A rival family wouldn't work because then all of the Lyons have a common enemy, and while that might be good (it was good for about 5 minutes two episodes ago), it takes away a lot of what we like about the show -- the Lyons pitted against each other while still rooting for each other.

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This is fine. We can do without a rival family then. I agree that there are and WERE plenty of opportunities with just the Lyons and their associates. They seemed to introduce some interesting aspects in this first season, but inexplicably did nothing with it for some reason. I'll keep my eye on whether or not they do something more substantive with this family in season 2. They've laid some groundwork. Let's see if they build on it or drop it altogether.

Edited by Vanguardian
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God Jamal is just awful. I got so close to FFing every scene of his tonight. We get it, you're gay. I can't even count how many times my partner and I rolled our eyes everytime he did something to prove he's a real man. It was just absolute overkill.

Rhonda and Andre not reporting the Vernon attack as self defense was plot driven garbage. They're supposed to be the two smart ones.

I'm gonna need J Hudson and her screaming to not return next season.

Edited by Antoyne
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