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GH50: December 2013 Discussion

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Thu December 12:

I'm really surprised at how character driven the show has been the past couple of episodes. It makes for such a welcome change, especially if we're not jumping from insane plot point to insane plot point.

Robin makes Maxie so much more likable. It seems as if they might actually allow Maxie to change & grow, which can only mean that she is about to do something horrid (I hope not!).

I thought it was a nice idea to have Kevin as Franco's confessor although I just cannot stand Franco and his whole "whoooo am Iiiiiii wah wah" melodrama. Bitch, nobody cares! And Carly is still going on about Franco's nightmare! Let it go, ho!

Kevin and Lucy were really touching... much more touching than this show has the right to be!

I just can't with Carly having no idea what was going on in Lulu's life because she was busy f.cking a murderer.

Sonny looked bored in his scenes with Dante until he put his hand on him and comforted him.

And Dante's going to fix everything with a baby! Ah, bless.

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Someone did a really lousy job of posting today's show on youtube! I'll just DVR GH instead of watching it on the web, ugh!

I think KS looks better. Bradford Anderson looks hideous but it's not like that differs from his usual. And Spinelli and Maxie are both annoying as hell, which also doesn't differ from their usual. Hope today is the last I ever see of him.

Kelly Thiebaud often talks too fast but other than that I like her a lot. Her teeth don't distract me anymore. The scenes with Britt and Nik were nice.

Ellie is much better away from wretched Spinelli. Her actress is good.

I didn't think a character could be worse than Carl from "The Walking Dead" but Felix is giving him some stiff competition. He and this Brad guy.

Nothing ever changes with Sonny. And I think I'm just too biased to be invested in GH since RC and FV make me nauseous. I'm not objective when it comes to anything they have a part in. It doesn't help that GH was never my favorite soap to begin with.

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So let me get this straight.

This baby fallout has almost exclusively focused on that selfish ASSCLOWN Maxie and she gets to say goodbye to the baby with Spinelli STILL kissing her worthless ass, while Lante get no final goodbye?

First hopeful home wrecker Sobby Sparkle Pony and now Selfish Maxie? Are these really what moRon thinks we should be rooting for

Also, considering what both Lulu and Maxie did for him last year, it makes NO sense that Patrick hasn't been at least on the periphery of this putrid story and torn between the two. But, then, I guess that would have required him being in scenes outside the hospital or without the Disney Princess and her lapdog Felix.

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The Maxie/Spinelli scenes were beautiful and touching. I am going to miss Spinelli and Ellie, not to mention that adorable baby.

Nikolas and Brit also had some beautiful scenes. Most of this episode felt like a real soap opera. And then came Sonny, the Naked Mobster and Duke. I see no point in this story and in all these scenes. Nobody seems smart, scary or dangerous.

Felix and Brad are so pathetic. After falling for every straight guy in town now they have to end up together and pretend that they are lesbians who are falling in love. Brad could be interesting if he hadn't turned into Asian Felix. However I didn't mind their scenes that much because they were not talking about Savrina's vagina for once.

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