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GH50: December 2013 Discussion

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Ron's working overtime to keep the "triangle" going and to make sure Patrick comes off smelling like roses, since the other women are making the decisions for him. So now he ends up having to decide without being the assh*le that wants to be able to decide. But I can't completely blame him. I loved that Robin/Patrick scene.

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What I said is that RC is working overtime to make him come off like that; to make him as less culpable in the decision/continuation of the triangle as he can.

Regardless of that, I don't think he's coming off like a douche at all. It really shouldn't be a question who he ends up with but it would also make him look incredibly fickle (at the very least) if he just completely dumped Sabrina straight away, with no remorse or concern. Regardless of who he loves more, he still has to consider Sabrina in all of this and he did. And JT played it perfectly. That ending was great.

OMFG Sabrina not only runs away but she did so in her wedding dress. What a drama queen. And what does a crying woman in a wedding dress do? Go to Dock. Of course she runs into Carlos... that was quick, Ron. And apparently she'll be "missing" tomorrow. Milk it for all you can, bitches!

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The stuff with Emma was cute when they were telling her Robin never went to heaven.

Poor Sabrina. Her Quinceañera got ruined

Dont hate me for saying this, but now would be a perfect time for Jason to return

I cant with JZ's lips. Love Bobbie back but she simply can not emote properly

I cant recall but how were Lucy and Robin as close as the show is portraying them to be. Was it bc of the NB or did they have a personal relationship outside of that

I didn't realize Carlos had the same last name as Lily. Of course they are related

Oh STFU McBain. Did anyone ask for his opinion?

And Felix needs to STFU to with that shade he was throwing Patrick. "he should have thought of that before" Really?

Duke is foolish if he entertains the idea of working for Sonny behind Anna's back



Someone posted those on Tumblr. Im still upset GH never went with them after Robin left. I have a bit more sympathy for Liz over Sabrina

How is Patrick a douche? I think they've written him well in all of this

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Jason Thompson is a wonderful actor who did incredible work today, but it's to his credit because not even Olivier could have sold that [!@#$%^&*] today. What they had on the page for Patrick didn't even make any sense vs. yesterday. It's just so transparent - 'let's string this out another week or two.' It's artificial storytelling. It didn't make an ounce of sense. I expected this for another week or so, but I didn't expect the dialogue to make absolutely no sense. Robin was right to tell him off about it. I can't imagine how JT felt about the script. They ended it well but it still didn't make sense to prolong this.

I still care about Patrick, but shellshock is the only explanation for that reaction. The problem is that in most triangles Ron Carlivati focuses entirely on the women - or when he's not focused on them, he's still focused on the men being largely blown in the wind by other story forces. They rarely make choices of their own, they're almost always flatfooted and preyed upon or deceived either by one or both of the women or by someone else. So he doesn't know how to write Patrick making an affirmative choice, because it's his whole nature to always go for the triangle no matter what. It's an auto-reflex.

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