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GH50: November 2013 Discussion

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It looks to me like she's going for maximum coochie exposure. Perhaps she was simply feeling less than fresh.

Out of curiosity, what season is it on GH? Is it set in the same timeline as Revenge where it's the Fourth of July? Because I think most of us in the northeast stopped walking around in shorts and tanks at least a few weeks ago.

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Rare point of agreement for us dragonflies. I think their chemistry is amazing, and I feel like a pedophile for saying this, but BC is definitely hot.

I think it's the Kiki/KA effect. Morgan became interesting and compelling once he stopped following her around like a puppy dog. Now it's Michael's turn to wear that anchor around his neck.

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I really don't find Morgan terribly interesting at the moment, personally. I don't see the massive appeal. I think the entire story and all three of the actors and characters in it are by the numbers and pretty generic, except Morgan is obviously being written to be as much of the scapegoat as possible. But that's not enough to intrigue me. I don't see some incredibly versatile, dynamic performer.

It's one thing to unfairly write for a scapegoat and slant the writing against them, but I'm only going to root for that character myself if they have a rich history or a really talented actor in the role. Neither Britt nor Morgan do that for me - I find both of them just okay at best, and Morgan constantly saying "Mikey" and whining everyday just bores me. A lot of that is the writing; the actor clearly has some talent. But the role is currently so very limited. Morgan bears little resemblance to the kid I remember. Bryan Craig occasionally has a nice scene where he does very well, but other than that I think the character is just another Trey/Bobby Ford/Nate Salinger analog - just another of Frank and Ron's pretty, tortured, often half-naked fratboys who is misunderstood and damaged and led down the wrong path, and maybe he'll be "redeemed" or maybe he won't.

If they put him in scenes with people like Molly, Jax, etc. I could buy into the character more, when they tap into his roots. But as it is he's just this sad-eyed hairy-chested dude who's banging Maura West and crying about the whole thing. I don't find either him or Michael or Kiki to be really someone to root for here; I just think they're all being silly. I just want him to stop doing stupid [!@#$%^&*]. As boring as I find Kiki and Michael, Morgan did a stupid thing, married a girl and lied to her for stupid reasons, and now he's still being stupid. That's as far as I go with it for him.

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I can't find the post to quote, but yes Michael is insufferable, but he only told Morgan the truth. Morgan got his feelings hurt, so he wants his father to pay like this? He knows of Sonny's illness, and Morgan even took responsibility for Connie's death because he asked his father to keep the secret. Sonny told Morgan it was not his fault. Love how the "writers" forget what they wrote just a few months ago.

There is no sympathy for Morgan at all, and I absolutely loved Michael kicking his ass!

Francly wub.pngwub.pngwub.png Really good scenes. My challenge was that I would much rather FrankenTodd reflect on the harm he's done and not the harm he believes was done to him. That was a bit of a struggle!

Sam feels bad for FrankenTodd? Go back and look at the video of this man taking your drugged dumb naked ass from the shower and pretending to have sex with you. See how bad you feel for him then.

The Julian reveal was just lifeless! Completely lifeless, but I thought Julian was pretty slick by outing himself and then using Sam as his kid to shield him. That cracked me up.

Kaka was there becauzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz? Who here does not know how she feels about her mother? But I guess she was critical to those scenes? Okie dokie!

Sonny is just pathetic! Ugh!

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It's more about who Morgan isn't than who he is. He's not Michael and he's not Kukla, so he will be more popular with viewers. He's mad at Sonny, so therefore he kicks ass, just like every character who is mad at Sonny is briefly popular with fans until the character gets back into place. Bryan Craig has some basic chemistry with Maura West, and when he doesn't speak and when he doesn't make his usual "who farted?" faces, he's passable, but there's a reason why he and the character were dead fish until he became the default anti-Michael, anti-Sonny choice for viewers.

Once his relationship with Ava becomes even more clingy and empty (as she's already lost most of her personality and has become the basic reacting girlfriend/sister with no real purpose of her own), and once the fanfic visions of MORGAN WILL JOIN DEREK AND THE COOL MOB WILL RUN SONNY OUT OF TOWN!!! fade away, Morgan will go back to being an awkward whiner trying to maintain his abs.

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Yeah, that's about it IMO.

In six to eight months or so Morgan will get the Trey/Ford treatment. He'll either be working a demeaning service industry job or volunteering at the hospital or something, and this will be how he's "just givin' somethin' back, Mikey" as they slooowlllyyy phase him either towards oblivion or some B or C-level story that would've been occupied by the two black dudes on the show before they killed 'em off. (And BTW, it's shameful that they only gave Shawn and T.J. material like they did the other day right when it's obvious they're about to ice one or both of them - we should've seen a lot more conversations between Richmond and Blakemore about their characters' histories and what Sean does before now, because that is legitimately interesting character stuff.)

Their approach to Ava in this material is baffling, BTW. She keeps saying and doing ambiguous [!@#$%^&*] like trying to warn Morgan off Julian or urging him to reconcile with Sonny - she knows damn well what Julian wants to do to Sonny! What she wants to do herself! You can't be trying to make her the reasonable one here going "oh, talk it out with your dad" when Ava's goal is the same as it ever was - destroy the Corinthos organization and take out Sonny Corinthos. I know they're scrambling to try and keep her viable for as long as possible, but you don't have to work that hard or make the character that weirdly inconsistent in order to do that; villains like Ava can run for several years if they're handled right. See also: Carlo Hesser and Alex Olanov, and of course Olivia Jerome herself.

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