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GH50: November 2013 Discussion

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Ron is pulling all of this out of his ass in a desperate attempt to make Franco work (and it won't work, just like the DVDs and brain tumor didn't work). He had to make Kiki Silas's daughter instead of Franco's so she wouldn't be a Quartermaine and could date Michael. No need to do that if the big plan was for him to be Franco Baldwin and not a Quartermaine all along. Ron is making sh!t up as he goes, as usual.

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Those two have no chemistry and Bryan Craig is so overhyped in looks and acting.

I hate that. It's not so bad right now but early this year I constantly saw people saying Y&R and DAYS need to be more like GH and using examples from GH like stunt casting among other things that those soaps had done before and been called out on.

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I, too, believe FrankenTodd should have stayed a Q because if he's a keeper [and of course he is], there is more story. But again, there is no interest in the Qs, so let's have some fun and change his paternity. The most ridiculous, if that can even be pinpointed, is that you uproot the life of a character that they really put nowhere. This is what you do when someone has put down roots and has grown to love and be a member of a family, then you drop the bomb that they really aren't family. What we go? FrankenTodd with no ties to anything so let's give him a new family even though we did absolutely nothing with the old one. I just don't see how anyone [Carl and a few others] think this happened because of fan backlash. What backlash for a family that has been tossed aside like dog sh!t? Heather and Scotty as FrankenTodd's parent's makes him even less significant!

Of course they are pulling this out of their asses. AJ is still not onscreen, yet FrankenTodd is in a new story with a different family? Guess I'm not hip enough to appreciate this crap!

And talk about douchesnozzles:

moRon interview


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OMG, they just gave Franco the same storyline he had on OLTL. I cant with this nonsense

Kiki says Ava ruined Morgan's wife. Bitch, STFU. She and Michael were so insufferable today. Arguing on the pier. Someone's gonna fall in. I hope its this dumb ass bitch

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Michael was absolutely more tolerable in AJ's orbit.

This episode has been just painful. It's proving what a trainwreck this show is. Yelling does not equal good acting.

And this Todd/Carly garbage. What are they, 15? I hate how Ron traps the adults in this insane and juvenile quadrangles and triangles.

The bad part is, I really should actually give a crap that Morgan betrayed Sonny but the writing just isn't there. It's all falling so flat.

Whoever said the Robin returns momentum was killed, it sure as hell was. I really don't even care at this point if Robin ever gets back home. And how long are they going to keep Robert and Anna locked up and OFF-SCREEN. Oh, are they are vacation too?

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And I love how moRon sidesteps EVERY question. I also hate the kiss-ass questions. He's not the messiah, people. There's such a lack in true quality that folks are just blindly ignoring because Ron's writing his own fanfiction. "On paper" I'd love him too. He's brought back vets, he uses people over 40, Jason's thankfully gone ... but then he props his favorites, is a bitter bitch on Twitter, refuses to accept any criticism and it's those kiss-assy questions are why he will never own up to the crap he tries to pull.

I'm also tired of this "rotational story" BS. The cast is too big, you don't have enough money, so that's why we go weeks without seeing someone. You probably block-tape (is that what it's called? sorry!) people, which explains the horrible lack of flow.

Sigh. Frank and Ron could be so much better. They really have the potential if they quit the BS and if Ron takes it seriously and not some fanboi given the reigns.

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I also made the mistake of reading the comments section. OY. Oh boy.

Someone did point out that Franco/Kiki/Silas never seem to 'rest' while AJ/Liz languish for weeks and months without anything to do.

I also find the Genie contract thing still so fishy. It's obvious SOMETHING happened. It was just too abrupt. Or Ron's just that bad of a writer.

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