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GH50: August 2013 Discussion

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I don't mind Ava Jerome thinking she is Barbara Stanwyck in the Q mansion, but I really can't stand the Felix/Sabine scenes.

Michael used to be a nice guy, what was that all about in this episode? The Kika storyline should have been told differently and it really needed a lot more time. Michael and Kika hated each other, became friends and star-crossed lovers within an episode. Poor Morgan has done nothing wrong and yet we are supposed to view him as a bad guy. And he is a kept man at the Q mansion. This is all crazy and very lazy.

I like Emma Samms but Laura should have been the one with Luke during his adventure.

Britta is gorgeous. I was thinking that she would have been a great Colleen on Y&R.

The episodes are so much better without Franco, if only Felix and Sabine would drink some of the Obrecht poison...

Douglas Marland would have made wonders with the Obrecht-Britta dynamic.

Why do I have the feeling that the wrong person will end up murdered by Dr O and then the wrong person will be arrested?

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I like Ava although it might be because of Maura

Its nice to see Emma Samms....but boy whats up with John Reilly's awful acting...eeeeeee

Britta is gorgeous and is being wasted on GH....her mother is one whack lady.......lol

Agreed about Felix and Sabine..so damn annoying pass the Obrecht poison there way

Morgan is a loser and Kaka is just too stupid for words....why would Michael want her when he has gay men fawning all over him...lol

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For some reason I got the feeling that most of JR's lines were given to the daughter because of a health issue. I might be wrong though.

Michael is so popular with gay guys, but every man who comes near Felix forgets any gay fantasies he might have the same moment. Think Milo who'd rather pretend that he is smitten by the Sabine creature. Not before long Brad will end up chasing Dr Monica Q. in order to seduce her.

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