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AMC: Wednesday June 5, 2013 Episode Discussion

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Me, too! I'm ignoring most of the BTS drama because I think it's being blown way out of hand. I fully expect PP to have the shows back in production in August, whether they have to pay some fees or not.

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Decent episode.

Brooke Newton seems fine as an actress, but I'm not into how Colby is being written. Colby is coming off as mostly a spoiled, stuck-up rich girl and stereotypical blonde, with a bit of vamp thrown in. I liked her trying to put a fire under JR (although I think JR's current attitude is actually healthy, and Brooke English isn't doing anything wrong), and her coming to support JR, but it's still a little jarring in comparison to the Colby I knew from the final year or so of AMC.

I don't see this Colby having the emotional earnestness, heart, and empathy for others of the Colby who vlogged her heart out after finding out about Damon and Liza. That Colby of 2011 would hate this Colby of 5 years later.

I liked the whole twist with Jesse agreeing to faking that it's Uri's "body" and framing Zach.

I liked David's scene with AJ.

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I liked Colby's lil vlogs & thought it was a fresh approach, but she only did like 3 and the show seemed to play them off as a fun joke. It wasn't that deep and they didn't last long tongue.png

She's always been like that. Nat Hall AKA ConstanceColby especially played those traits to a T. She was always a brat! Not sure why your saying she was some good girl with heart...maybe a little bit but not that much (IMO). LOL

I think that would be boring

Maybe you & Cheaps dream will come true & she's trying to help Asher w/something mellow.png

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I would agree with you about Colby, but you have to remember that the show jumped forward 5 years.. so we have no idea what Colby has been up to during those years. It's possible that something happened that reverted her back to her shallow ways.

Natalie Hall played a bitchier version of Colby, even when she was being nice.. she was still kind of shallow and thoughtless. Brooke Newton seems to be a little more Paris Hilton then bitchy thus far. Somehow, this is the Colby that befits having Adam/Liza as parents.

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Given that Colby has only appeared once, I think it's premature to make any judgment. Colby's entrance was completely generic. As in we've seen this a million times before: the camera panning up from the heels, the big blond hair, the bumping into her future target (Pete), the attempt to seem sophisticated, it's Vixen Introduction 101. I don't think we can judge how the character is written until we actually see how she's written.

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With the one-dimensional writing of this show, I wouldn't be surprised if you get your wish at least until McPherson is gone. But I prefer my characters with more depth and layers, and I am going to hold out hope she will have some.

I know it's only been one episode, but I think Brooke Newton has the potential to pull off a much more complex character (there were actually moments when I got Kristen DiMera vibes), and I hope she will get the material for it instead of her character being summed up as a caricature of Paris Hilton. Even the real Paris Hilton is not like the caricatured media image of Paris Hilton.

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Watched this a few days ago...

I've said this before, but casting did well with Uri. He's genuinely frightening yet also seems slick and charming, if you didn't know better. They're making me afraid of what will happen to Cassandra even though I know nothing will happen. That's not easy to do. I also thought Darnell did a good job in those scenes.

I still don't buy Pete as a tough businessman, but the scenes with David were better than I thought they'd be. I just wish some of the gloss would go away from the character and the portrayal.

Celia's relationship with Evelyn is the most interesting part of the character, and I wish we got more of it.



All I can say is that I get the impression she is doing what she thinks is soap opera acting, which is OTT histrionics. It's too bad, as, while I don't think there is a need for Colby, having her as a pot-stirrer is not a bad idea.

I like that we are slowly seeing AJ's relationship with his father thaw. It's very believable.

I don't know why Dixie has so little role or voice in their relationship. I keep forgetting she's even JR's mother, and forget about being AJ's grandmother.

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She's getting more time now, but it's with other people.

I do rather like the J.R./A.J./Cara and A.J./David stuff, though. And the issues with J.R. and Brooke. I find it more interesting than Dixie coddling J.R.

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