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AMC: Wednesday June 5, 2013 Episode Discussion

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I agree.. the meat of the story will be the aftermath with Jesse/Angie.. plus how Cassandra copes afterwards. Hence I hope they have a set for the Miranda Center.. since I think Cassandra should receive counseling.. along with Jesse/Angie. Plus, Dixie is a therapist so I could see her volunteering there.. and Brooke/Bianca/Celia have ties to that place as well.. and Opal was a victim of domestic abuse so I wouldn't be surprised if she volunteered there as well.

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You must've missed that she did full on nudity in one of her films, lol. I'm sure Heather was all for it too. Speaking of, I WANT MORE JANE. I appreciate the slow burn of introducing a character but give her something to do already!


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I love Jesse's new office. On the ABC run, he had an office and then when the show moved to LA, he lost the office and was always seen outside in the general area of the PV Police station with the other officers desks were. It is great that PP is giving him a bona fide office and it looks like an Official Police Chief's office, more modern and up to date on the set decorations/design.

Now for Angie, Cassandra preferred to live in Paris with her father so she and her mother did have issues with each other at times. But, having said all of that, Cass does love her mother despite the divorce between Angie and Jacob. There have been times when Angie has put her career ahead of her children with Frankie and Cassandra with them distancing themselves at times, but always coming back into the fold too. Debbi always does great with crying/pain/hurt scenes. I would like to see her get a more wider range episode with laughter/joy/happy and then switch with the crying/pain/hurt to have the writers showcase a more wider and broader range episode to submit for the Emmy's. Emmy voters have complained that Debbi's submission tapes fail to show enough of a wider range and no switch in emotions. Come on writers.

So how long will we have to wait until the Finding Cassandra storyline comes to some kind of conclusion? It seems that it is going to drag on into the Summer. Is there a Summer Slump coming with no Teen Summer storyline? Will viewers start to binge watch even more?

Today's episode seemed like another in a growing long line of set up episodes. Setting up for the next week without results.

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Or somone! I miss soap love scenes, I thought we were promised plenty of them on TOLN's version of AMC, but so far there's only been two and as I recall they appeared in the same episode. At this point I don't even care if it is Bianca or David but I just have this image of Jane as the coffee shop version of a naughty librarian and somebody needs to make that happen.

"TOLN Presents..." I didn't know Tyler Perry was their new investor.

I studied French for far too long to listen to Colby butcher the language so callously. I was officially done when she said "merci bien" and it sounded like Mercedes Benz. But I like the actress, hope they give her more to do than go around reciting phrases from French-On-Phonics.

Last I heard Eden was negotiating with PP on when and how she would return. But that was before the episode reduction and all the other bts drama.

Can JR just take the steroids already, we all know he is going to. I just miss JY's JR something about messy melodramatic screw ups is highly entertaining to me.

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I like NuColby so far, she is doing a good job although there are some hammy tendencies (see the "Next on..." preview for evidence) that I hope get ironed out.

As someone who has barely watched this new AMC for the last few weeks, literally nothing has happened. This is not good. The story with Cassandra is boring as hell and seeing Eric Nelson with Ryan Bittle just doesn't look right as father/son. I hope the new HWs can shake things up...

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