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AMC: Wednesday June 5, 2013 Episode Discussion

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What does that have to do with your lack of education? I think it's best to just stop right here because it can't get any better. I don't think you meant anything by it, but at the very least your statement came off as being misguided.

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I think part of the difference is that "Jesse's" sporting some serious five o'clock shadow and there's some gray in his beard. I assume that was a conscious decision by either him or the show because of the time jump and/or the storyline. Darnell looks wonderful in pictures from other recent events.

(And I'm pretty sure DW's orientation is one of the worst kept "secrets" in soaps. The only person who doesn't know he's gay is my mom and I'm not ready to break her heart with that news just yet. laugh.png )

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I hate to even get into this--but when you see people (OK, in my experience, gay men) who have lived with HIV for a while but are getting by on treatment it shows in their face, specifically ones who contacted the disease back when it really was more of a gay issue and before much medication which I assume is when someone would think Darnell would have gotten it. That loss of fat in their face that is so hard to replace without cosmetic surgery doesn't show even remotely with him--Lipoatrophy I mean (look it up) nor does it look like he's had surgery to replicate it.

No matter--it doesn't matter at all if he has HIV or not as long as he's healthy, and he seems to be to me--I thinkt he slightly tired/haggered look is, as marcleine suggests, part of him commiting to the role, frankly.

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I also hope for a shake up--but literally a lot has happened in the last few weeks :P Maybe you find it boring (like Cassandra) but there has been a lot of story progression. But I guess it's relative--people on the OLTL thread either complain that not enough has happened there, as opposed to AMC or vice versa.

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Darnell is 58 years old and Debbi is 56 years old with her 57 birthday coming up in September. For both of them pushing 60 in a couple more years they both look great. Actually it is more realistic for Darnell to look haggard since Jesse has been losing sleep finding Cass. He does commit to his roles brilliantly.

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I'm fluent in French (Bradley Cooper, eat your heart out) so I actually found this amusing, and perfectly in character for Colby. She thinks she's a French sophisticate, but kinda sucks at it--but doesn't care.

I wrote a long post about the episode but it got eaten up (seriously, this website is working less and less well for me--I've noticed lately it doesn't even take in my typing quick enough so letters are missing--no matter what computer I access it on.) Boo. But I thought it was a great episode.

Loved Colby and I like that she genuinely did seem to want to be there for JR, but still also has an ulterior motive (basically she's a bitch, but not completely heartless which is much more interesting.) I'm actually really invested in Celia's story even if some acting choices still bring me out of it, and want to find more.

The Yuri twist actually surprised me, and strikes me as pretty clever.

Right--just to be clear, that's pretty much exactly what I meant ;) (I have a hard time sometimes telling in your posts when you reply if you agree or think you're disagreeing with me.)

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