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AMC: Wednesday June 5, 2013 Episode Discussion

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Im really feeling this new Colby so far. Too early to tell but she just might be the best one yet. This show really needed a character like her. I hope she is a bitch.

Brooke: "I have an idea"

Colby: "Id rather have the money" "You want me to work? ....you got to be joking, right?" :lol:. I like how she is hating on Brooke. This could be fun.

Debbi did great work today. Black Agnes would be proud

Why did the previews have to reveal that Zach spoiler? Could have been a nice twist

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Overall, it was a good show, but not quite as good as Monday's.

I love the newest Colby and what a spoiled little bitch she is! That scene where she interrupted Pete & Celia she was just oozing sensuality, which up to this point has been lacking in Pine Valley.

No matter how hard JR tries to hide the steroids, I still think he'll end up using them soon, probably after confronting David next week over AJ. I liked David offering his grandson support, even though I doubt AJ knows just what a skank his mother really was.

I don't see Jesse keeping that deal with Uri and I can't see how the other cops won't notice his skittishness around this case.

Debbi Morgan once again delivered the goods!

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The Pete/Celia issue was already resolving itself for me when they revealed Pete's tougher side in full form after David's press conference while Celia spiraled towards instability - all of that, I think, is the crux of the tension in their relationship. That and Colby. So I think now this story can finally cook properly.

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It's very telenovela of them. They usually begin with a "[network/production company] presents" at the top of the title sequence. Even MyNetworkTV's English language novelas always began with a "MyNetworkTV presents..." logo at the top.

It's early for a full assessment, but Colby's presence is definitely welcome, if for no other reason that she's adding more tension to the Pete/Celia thread and hopefully will be the final nudge to Celia truly exhibiting something "wrong" with her as she was telling Evelyn.

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David: It's a beautiful day, don't you think?

Pete: You're an as$hole.

LOL! That right there is part of the reason I'm glad for the looser language. When you're dealing with David Hayward the word "as$hole" should be on the table.

I love the Chandler family dynamics being set up. Colby vs. Brooke with JR playing Switzerland...for now with Cara on his team. From a storytelling standpoint Colby is a nice addition. I cracked up when she was standing next to Brooke. Colby looked like a WNBA player talking to a member of the Lollipop Guild.

Always nice to see Jesse in his Han Solo ensemble. When he was talking about how Yuri would just get away with it and start over really makes me hope that the show has the guts to send Jesse to a place dark enough to kill Yuri. Kudos to DW for his acting in that scene. I never would've considered this option if it wasn't for Darnell making me feel Jesse's outrage. There are so many places to take Jesse/Angie with this story.

This episode did a good job of building characters: AJ, JR, Celia, Pete, Jesse and Angie all got scenes that were about them as individuals and their thought processes.

I notice that Jane is out of her apron and into a nice little pair of booty jeans. I'm beginning to think somebody really likes the rearview on Heather Roop.

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Yuri is definitely not going to keep his word and I think he probably killed Vlad to get the body he needed to fake his death.

Evelyn knows something about Celia's past, but of course she won't tell her.

Colby is going to be trouble, it's clear from the start.

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I guess you must know something about it and a nice lawsuit coming your way. Do you know Darnell personally? and do you know his medical history? A terrible thing to say about a person.

I guess you must know something about it and a nice lawsuit coming your way. Do you know Darnell personally? and do you know his medical history? A terrible thing to say about a person.

I think that Darnell's face looks great. He is not in his 20's anymore BTW.

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I have to admit that I'm curious about Celia. Not insanely interested but definitely curious. Right now, I'm assuming that her guardian is either the guy who killed her parents or someone that was in love with her mother. Also based on her flashbacks, I don't think her parents' death was an accident. I'm getting a whole Harry Potter vibe from her situation. It's funny I like Pete and Celia as individuals (to varying degrees) but together they bore me. Also, I'm gonna need JLP to stop channeling Kristen Stewart with her constant hair fidgeting.

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