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OLTL: Tuesday May 28, 2013 Episode Discussion

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This had my head spinning. Is he totally uninvolved or not? I felt like there were glimmers of warmth between them when they talked about Drew when Dani was in the hospital and then he was all sadly looking at her and Drew in the window at the coffee shop. But then we got him refusing to acknowledge Drew in front of Clint, the abortion slap scene, and Nora saying he wanted nothing to do with Drew. I need a scene of just Matt/Des to understand what exactly the deal is in place of another scene of Dani gazing at him shirtless. Not that I mind Rob Gorrie shirtless...

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I get the show is trying to set up the romances of Dani/Matthew and Jeffrey/Destiny. I just wish the show devoted a little more time to fleshing out the Matthew/Destiny dynamic. Are they friends? To what extent is Matthew in Drew's life? I feel like Matthew/Michelle are more developed.

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Has anyone seen Miss Llanview USA in the OLTL threads? I love her posts - always sunny, funny and friendly. I would have thought she would have been all over these threads. Miss Llanview, if you see this, hope you are doing well! :)

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I think Matthew still cares about Destiny. Remember when she easily got him to dance with her at Shelter before she rejected him. The only thing is, Matthew is afraid/lazy about being a dad. He wants what's best for Drew too but doesn't feel up to the task unless he gets a lot of encouragement/guilt.

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One more thing -- Rama said to Blair she came in early because Cutter wanted to talk to her, but then I don't think we saw whatever it was he wanted to talk about. That bugged me because that line led me to believe there would be some good Cutter/Rama stuff.

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I find it very clear as well--and am a bit surprised others don't. I think Matthew is a very small part of Drew's life, but it always seemed like he did agree to babysit sometimes (though we saw how good he was at making that a priority) etc and they weren't completely hostile to each other, he just wanted to make it clear he wasn't--as he said he wouldn't be initially on the network show--a father figure to the boy

I'm surprised you of all people haven't mentioned the weird continuity of Natalie rushing home to pay her babysitter and then apparently leaving Liam to go dance at Shelter. :P

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LOL, I missed that on the show, but I did see your post about it later where it bugged you and you were calling me out haha.

Also, to clarify, I don't think the Cutter/Rama thing was a continuity problem. I just want them to have more scenes together because I like their interaction and their friendship.

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I'd just like to know what the endgame will be for Matthew and Destiny. Will Matthew step up eventually (doesn't have to be right away) and be a real parent to Drew? Will Destiny say "F-ck this!" and force Matthew to sign away all his parental rights? Will Matthew murder Destiny AND Drew when he thinks they're impeding his future with "Michelle" or Dani? Where are we going, OLTL?

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I think where we're going depends on how long the show goes on. I think Michelle is likely a temporary roadblock who will get in the way of Matthew/Dani. Then we'll get the pairings of Des/Jeff and Matt/Dani where the show has been heading. Matthew's already been kind of territorial with Jeffrey about Destiny/Drew so I think we'll get more of that. The show already established Destiny saying she'll always love him and Laura was hired, according to Alison Goodman, for her chemistry with Rob. I thought their little dance at Shelter was hotter than anything he's had with Dani so far. Well besides the ice cube bench press fantasy. So I think after some time, we may revisit Matt/Des romantically but a bunch of other beats need to play first.

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