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PP: AMC & OLTL to air twice weekly

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I'm adopting a new wait-and-see stance when it comes to all matters involving PP. Becoming upset over every piece of gossip about them just leaves one with heartburn.

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I am sure that fans are saying more Opal, Brooke and others who seem to be backburned at this time. With only 30 minutes twice weekly, maybe only 1 or 2 storylines can run at a time. This is the dilemma of cutting down the shows from 4 days to 2 days.

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For all we know, it could have been Susan H that was key to the writing/balance. It looks as if her and TR worked as a team, and when she had to leave.. he seemed lost. He seems to work best with another writing partner (he worked with Sheri Anderson/Leah Laiman at Days, and Sally M at Generations).. so I'm surprised that they didn't promote jessica Klein or Marin G to be his co-head writer.

For all we know, the episodes where he was headwriter alone might not have been as good as when he worked with Susan H. We shall find out soon.

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I think with the half-hour format, they can show two storylines at least per episode... but I think you need to have at least 3 to 4 storylines minimum going on and running at the same time, just at different speeds so that each episode has something going on and doesn't feel like filler.

You shouldn't be showing the same story/characters everyday, but alternating airtime to each of the many storylines so people don't feel like they are seeing the same people day in and day out.

At least on AMC, Pete/Celia have had 3 or 4 episodes that they haven't been in.. but AJ/Miranda have been in every episode.

OLTL has the same thing with Matt/Dani/Jeffery.. but the other characters (save for Dorian, who has been absent for at least 4 of 5 episodes in a row) have been given airtime with the focus on their lives. The EP of OLTL has twitter and she has been saying that all the characters are important and that the veterans have great stories coming up.

I wish AMC's EP had a twitter account. I know I sent a tweet to Cady M (Dixie) stating that she should be focused on more as opposed to being a background character for AJ/Miranda/JR... imho.

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This week's shows are at 3 and 9 on Hulu today. I know the competition is way less fierce right now but I'm still excited about OLTL cracking top 3. If we can pick up any new or lapsed viewers at all during this low tide for TV and Hulu, that will be a good thing.

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ITA with all of this. Everyone (save Dorian and maybe it's Robin's recovery from pneumonia but doubt it) is getting stuff on OLTL. Even with the switch to 2 episodes it still feels that way.

Ajanda/Pelia are on adnauseum and have longer scenes while others that are shown once in awhile get 20 secs and they're gone. The other focus has been Cass kidnapping/Angie/Jessie. Which again, for the time being I can see why that's taken up more time. It's a story running frontburner until it's resolved and then in an ideal soap another story would take it's place. Rotation.

The teens aren't a story to me. They're just 'look we have teens c'mon young new viewers' Same convos day after day. On every episode for no other reason than to be on. And they're not contained like the OLTL 'A team' - they're each given they're own chunk of airtime so there's barely time left for others. On a 4 day schedule with 24 minute eps it's enough for 2 eps for a storyline and maybe 4 for the frontburner and then switch. Have multiple stories going on. Intersect the characters. You can't have that with the attitude it's the 'teen 4' show which is what I was getting from MM/ES.

I saw that response from JP. A woman tweeted something along the lines 'if you only focus on the kids you're going to lose viewers.' and she assured that she wanted EVERYone to have story and mentioned Dorian along with the others. I've seen similar stuff go to SB, the AMC producer and the official AMC twitter and crickets chirp. Yet 'I love Petey's abs' or I love Ajanda scenes will get you a retweet from them.

All I've gotten from Cady was in one of her blogs she said the reason for the HWs switch was complaints about poor balance between the younger characters and the vets. So someone is listening. Still it would be nice if GS got a twitter account and gave some reassurance the way JP did.

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I'm wondering if the HW's were used as a scapegoat for PP wanting to focus on the teens? Perhaps the HW were told to write for the teens, etc.. and when viewers got pissed.. PP fired the HW's instead of taking the blame for their misguided belief?

The only reason I say this is because Mcpherson did a lot of writing for the veterans on DAYS (and the balance seemed ok.. even though the pacing, etc was off).

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