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Tyler Perry's 'Haves and Have Nots' on OWN


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I tuned into the show out of pure curiosity and was surprised by how much I enjoyed it. I'm not usually a fan of Tyler Perry's productions & the way he writes/views things. This was pretty outstanding though, I have to say!

Hannah & Candice are the reason to watch. Tika Sumpter & Crystal Fox are really magical together. They only had about two scenes and I was blown away by both of them. I had to look up Crystal Fox, man oh man what a powerhouse Actress, I was shocked she hasn't been on TV or the big screen since 2001!

Hannah to Selene: "Who is that?"

Selene: "Who?"

Hannah: "That heffa who threw me her coat?"

LMAO! That was good. I really didn't like that snarly biotch Veronica either & Hannah's remarks about her were the total truth!

The Actress playing Veronica is the definition of wooden I think. Basic performance by her.

Hannah to Candice: "I wish you would. And I will kill you dead right here"

Candice (crying): "You are so pathetic"

DAMN!! This was the BEST scene I have seen on a TV show in ages.

Hannah: "You have lost your mind"

Candice: "No, I never found it Momma. After growing up in a house with your crazy ass" *runs to the bed and tears away all the sheets & throws a pillow at Hannah*

"Now you do your job and you clean it UP! NOW!" *storms out*

OMFG. What a scene.

Candice to Wyatt: "DO IT! I'm into that sort of thing. DO IT YOU BITCH ASS PUNK!"

Like seriously OMG Tika is AMAZING in this role. "I will destroy you" *smacks Wyatt across the head* I LOVE how Candice scared Wyatt off even after he tried to blackmail her into getting him drugs!

Thank God Tika has been given this real chance to shine. She's nailing it.

The Actress playing Kathryn is stiff as hell & just way too hard. I thought she had a few bright moments (her breakdown at the beginning of the second episode) but overall I wish they could've gotten a more versatile Actress for this role. Kat/Hannah had a few moments that seemed to hint at a growing bond between the two, & the Kat Actress just came off so cold and stark to me. Maybe she'll get better.

Ha @ Jeffrey looking at Wyatt's body up & down as he was "asleep" and Wyatt getting him on camera! Interesting story, I had no idea Jeffrey could be gay until Candice mentioned her suspicions. I have terrible gaydar haha. This is really scandalous, you know Jeffrey is loving his job because he gets to look at Wyatt all day and be with him in the bathroom and whatnot. LOLZ!

Not impressed much with the Amanda Actress either but the characters story is interesting enough. I was sad to hear she cuts herself. I like the messy dynamics between the Cryer family a lot!

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Sorry Eric, but I thought Wyatt was too plastic. He doesn't really do much for me



CLEARLY the hottest guy on the cast. Need more of him!

First thought when I saw Wyatt and his sponsor is that they were gay

Not feeling the girl playing Amanda. Ditto on Kathryn and Veronica.

Heres to hoping Hannah gets a new wig by the end of the season. Hate her hair! I just new that bitch Candice was going to tell people her mother was dead. LMAO when she told Candice that "you cant go on living like this" First hint to me that she wont be living like this, literally, if you know what I mean

Overall decent pilot I guess, but it seemed pretty basic to me. Hopefully it gets better, but this was nothing special. The first 20 minutes were painful.

Edited by Cheap21
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I think Hannah came across too judgmental and unlikable to me. If the show softened her a little bit, then I might want to side with her. It seems as though she has done some transference of her dislike/hatred of Candice's dad toward Candice throughout her life.. so I can see why Candice is the way she is. Sadly, with this being a Tyler Perry show.. Candice will be punished and Hannah will be proven right.. ugh.

I actually thought Kathryn was written to reflect a woman who is wealthy and living in denial over her husband's infidelity.. plus trying to put on a perfect facade regarding her children.

While Wyatt and Benny have hot bodies, it would have been nice if Tyler Perry cast actors that could act in those parts.

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Amanda came off very childlike to me. I saw no appeal and those Geranimal outfits certainly didn't help. I think they were making a statement with this one, but it wasn't the right one.

Both children are messed up? I would fix this. At least one of them should be strong so that the other can lean on that one.

Hannah, I liked simply because the acting was the opposite of what I was expecting. It wasn't "Tyler Perry" acting. She had the potential to be awful, but she wasn't, and I'm thankful for that. She wasn't preachy, and that was great!

I like the Harringtons A LOT! Pete Parros wasn't asleep for the first time.

Wyatt and Benny??? Just the thought of being an integral condiment to this sandwich is all kinds of wonderful!!!!!

Weakest Link - John Schneider! I'm still getting one of the Duke brothers from him. He didn't bring it, and the scene on the couch at the end was all Tika.

The wife? Didn't bother to learn her name, but she is not the matriarch for this family. She does not have "the look".

But THE most impressive thing on this show HAS to be Candace/Tika Sumpter. She brought it in spades! She nailed everything and gave life!!!!! Her acting was top notch and I hated when she was not onscreen. She did more in 2 hours than she has ever done since I saw her pop up on OLTL. She was given the opportunity, and Tika took it! She is the vixen soaps have been missing for quite some time. The way she punked Wyatt was really good acting. It had the potential to be "ghetto", but Tika just owned it and made certain is was pure vixen. Pure troublemaker! Loved it. Her scenes with the mother??? Take notice soaps!!!!!! I cannot believe how impressed I was with her.

What the show needs? These characters need to blossom and have a bit more life to them. Outside of TS and CF, the others were lacking. They need a good shot in the arm!

Overall, super impressed and I thought I wouldn't be.

It's on the DVR!

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Tika Sumpter is brilliant, no doubt about it, she completely sells the traditional soap villain the way actresses used to be able to sell and the writing decent. Candace is a character that rips adversaries apart like JR, Alexis and Abby. I'm really going to enjoy that character.

Crystal Fox is brilliant too, I've loved her acting since In The Heat of the Night. Her scenes with Tika were electric.

Edited by ReddFoxx
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