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GH 50: Discussion for the Month of April - May 3, 2013

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I actually like Sabrina and Felix, mostly. But Jesus, why are both of them showing up so early and just hanging around Patrick's house? Isn't it hours before this date? It really is a little too much like a setup. And I agree that Sabrina's makeover is looking intermittently forced.

Patrick is starting to look like a prisoner of war, right down to the strange salt and pepper beard and shellshocked eyes.

Dante and Maxie do not work. I pray they don't go there just because they can. I still think ER and DZ actually have quite a bit of chemistry, already moreso than he did with Berman. ER is making this horrible Jessica Buchanan retread story work for her - or at least, she is until Lulu turns "rebellious" and a "vixen".

The Britt "pregnancy" storyline could not be more boring.

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How sweet, he's talking about today's DnA scenes :)



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but Maxie isn't playing the victim. She's trying to mind her own damn business which is what Ellie should be doing. I guess I should reserve any further comments till I watch later and see how Maxie is playing up the "victim" card
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Maxie is a lying little piece of trash and Ellie is not doing anything Maxie wouldn't do or hasn't done. She is deceiving 3 people who are directly involved with that child, and the sad part is, she is costing Dante and "I don't know you" valuable time on their family. Its very soapy but I hate Maxi!

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just watched and go Maxie. She was 100% justified in going off on the nosy fish girl. Like seriously. She is getting way too arrogant and her attitude stinks. Oh god she is even doing the ghetto Carly head shake. I hope Connie hits her with her car on her way to Pentonville

Carly making girlfriend time with Sabrina was vomit inducing

Connie was finally starting to act like Kate today

Was surprised to see Johnny. I thought he was done. Reminded me of Kristina. I wonder if she will even get an exit; like will someone say she's moved on to college or something or will she forever be doing community service at the prison until someone remembers her

Just read some interesting speculation that the identity of Franco's daughter Lauren is

. Just speculation but could be interesting if true.

That may be the case but does Ellie know this? Again Ellie needs to mind her business as this has nothing to do with her.

I just watched and she did not play the victim at all. What she did do is tell Ellie once again to butt out of her pregnancy and called her out on violating her privacy which Ellie DID do. I fail to see how Ellie is in the right here. What she did was a clear breach of hospital policy and should have her fired. She continues to antagonize a pregnant woman, one with a heart condition at that. And now she's lying and manipulating Spinelli into doing her dirty work. Bitch. They say be careful what you wish for and I will be laughing when she finds out that Maxie is carrying Spinelli's baby and he dumps her like yesterday's trash.
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