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GH 50: Discussion for the Month of April - May 3, 2013

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Dontcha be mean about my AJ now, Eric! :lol: Yes, totally junior high scene but it has come to the point where I will watch him and the Qs in almost anything. I also have the hugest shamecrush on SK's crispy pork crackling ass.

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I realize it's very hip for everyone to dog on Genie Francis as supposedly being "too big for her britches," first on Y&R and now here, or pretentious or overrated or something, but I think she had a lot right to say about her issues with her characters. And while she does have limitations and does sometimes go over the top, I think she's mostly been right on in the extremely volatile, good or bad material RC has given her - which has only begun to be half-decent in the last week or two. I thought her stuff with Stavros early on was excellent, and I actually thought she was very good yesterday, with the exception of the bit where she was hammering on the door to the cryochamber. The look in those eyes as she pounded the console and watched him through the glass was fantastic.

I don't think she and TG aren't putting in the work - I think they're not uncomfortable with each other so much as so much of the writing has been lame for them. I did think TG's "reaction" to Lulu's "death" was awful, mumbling in some sort of jaded tone because he's just life's vagabond. Give me a [!@#$%^&*] break. He's been the one I've found to be all over the place. Genie I could watch forever - when they give her something, which they're still, after all these years, struggling with.

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I agree. I haven't gotten the Genie hate recently on this thread and stayed away from arguing my case but she has brought back a lot of heart to the character which has been missing from her performance on Y&R... anda lot of quiet strength, too, despite some of the shlocky material. It says to me that she still cares about her character. TG? Not so much -- when I noticed him. I was too busy watching RKK and GF most of the time, particularly the emotions that ran across her face when she was listening and reacting to other peoples' dialogue.

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For me it's not so much about hate. I completely understand why she dislikes what Laura represented (one big rape apology), and how she wants Laura to be strong, not a victim. I completely understand why she wanted to move beyond Laura, and why she also wants Laura to be stronger. I understand that, to many viewers, she is their childhood, she is home.

Unfortunately, all I see - and frankly, all I have ever seen since I started watching GH in the mid-to-late 90s - is a bad actress, a sometimes shockingly bad one, who has little connection with most of her scene partners, and whose charisma is mostly faded away. She represents nothing of any GH I've ever enjoyed. She could, if they wrote her as the heart of the community, as they tried in the mid-90s, but that's not what brings her back. What brings her back is stale, stinky old camp that looks like middle-aged relatives putting on shows for their embarrassed but polite grandchildren. I would happily see Luke, Laura, and kids disappear never to be mentioned again, so I don't have that sentimental attachment many do.

The only person I care about in Laura's life is her mother, if we ever see her again.

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It's not hip with me as I'm a huge Genie and Laura fan going back to the 70s. I just happen to have found her acting uneven at times. There are moments when she's nailed the Laura I always loved. I thought she sold very well the fierceness that emerges in Laura when her kids are threatened. She slapped the tar out of Luke for daring to inject Nikolas and overcame her terror of Stavros yesterday. As I said earlier in the week, the worst acting I've seen on GH lately was LH's Lucy during that putrid Caleb nonsense.

Anyhoo, Genie's smile still lights up a room and who else but Laura would even stand a snowball's chance in hell to move Stavros' evil heart. That's what her character has always brought to GH, a huge heart.

I'm not even sure Tony is trying deliver a jaded Luke this last year. Outside of a few heartfelt moments this past year with JMB, he's barely awake in his scenes with everyone else. Maybe if that had been JMB lying on the slab he'd have dug deep to mourn his cupcake... kinda like he always wakes up in scenes with JJ. It's ironic Tony may think he's playing a jaded Luke... but I see no difference between him and MB's monotone delivery and lack of effort.

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I wanted to like it but this Cassadine storyline just isn't working for me.

I didn't find the Brenda/Michael stuff as bad as it sounded in spoilers and I liked Bobbie calming Carly down. Its been so good to have her around.

I'm still not used to having actual Quartermaine scenes. Its been wonderful having Monica and AJ back and Michael mixed in with them.

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Carly: Yeah. And you're a vile, pathetic, filthy whore!

Carly: This is my hotel, and I don't want that slut staying here one more minute!

Carly: I want to know that that bitch is gonna stay away from my child.

Carly: You dirty whore!

Carly: God, you're a tramp.

Thank GOD Guza wasn't writing this, or else it would've been really misogynistic... No?

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