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GH 50: Discussion for the Month of April - May 3, 2013

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I liked Nikolas feeling like it was his fault about his dad on Friday, telling Liz and Alexis he should have called someone sooner about his dad. That goes a way toward acknowledging the somewhat contrived nature of his not alerting people about Stavros that people were criticizing. I also liked Mac/Maxie's scene. I agree with whoever said Mac works well in scenes where he is in a "father" role. I'm glad Mac mentioned that Anna made a point of mentioning Frisco, which shows I wasn't imagining things when I felt like Anna was kind of unintentionally throwing Frisco in Mac and Felicia's faces on Thursday.

I still don't like Dante. Everyone was eulogizing him (the child who survived in the wilderness! a good officer according to Anna!) and he wasn't even dead. So far all I've seen from him in 3+ weeks is police brutality (with Nik's shooter), lots of violence, and a high-and-mighty, self-righteous streak -- someone who is quick to rush to judgment like when he was threatening Scotty.

Liked AJ/Monica, and liked that AJ didn't want to believe that Liz still had feelings for Nikolas until he saw them. I'm glad AJ still has some optimism and idealism about him after all that he has been through.

I felt former WSB agent Anna saying she had "just been briefed about the family history," like the Cassadines aren't a well-known, havoc-causing family in the GH universe, was kind of weird. I think Elizabeth Page was also the script writer on the info-dump day when Dante told Anna about Nikolas like Anna had never heard of Nikolas before.

I think Tony Geary and Genie Francis, particularly Francis, are both doing a good job playing Luke and Laura as they are now -- connected but not having those same feelings they once had, with too much having happened for them to get back together. I think Laura is still going to choose Scotty when all is said and done. Agree that Laura's strength came through on Friday.

Overall Friday was a little too OTT for me but I still liked it.

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I'm pretty sure Scotty is dunzo (with Laura, that is) when they get back home. They appear to be at least taking a slow boat back to a real reunion for Luke and Laura, which I think is essential. I'm not sure I'll agree with how they get there - I'd add a real male romantic spoiler, someone dashing from the WSB - but I think taking their time now that they appear to have Genie locked in is important.

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Laura doesnt have much romantic chemistry with either of her male partners. I dont see why she needs to be paired up. She could play a strong supporting role to Lulu and re-establish a life for herself in PC before focusing on any romantic interests

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That's why I tend not to like straight male action hero "popular" characters ... Which are not the only type of character that is popular. I often complain about violence on soaps and in the media, and it is not limited to GH or to Dante.

LOL I know she was kidnapped ... I also don't think that gives a police officer an excuse to be not doing his job properly. He should be prosecuted and lose his job for what he did with Nik's shooter, but in the twisted world of soap morality, such violence is OK.

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You know. Fjung is just giving his/her opinions based on admittedly limited knowledge. Doesn't mean it's not a reasonable or valid or worthy opinion. It's a first or second impression. GH needs new eyes and they will see things differently.

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