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This toya lady is so nasty. And annoying loud. Not even funny like Quad.


Havent watched since season 1 so I don't know who to root for between Lisa Nicole and this Toya girl.


Lol Doctor Heavenly. Mariah looks soooo....worn out. Like life's taken a major toll on her.

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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Toya is only coming for Lisa Nicole b/c all the other women are. Lisa is an easy target for these women and they are trying to push her off the show like they did Mariah last season. 


Mariah is worn out b/c she's over these chicks. I've been said that she needs to be moved to RHOA. She'd fit in so much better over there. 

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I really don't understand why these bitches hate Lisa Nicole so much. They actually come off looking petty always jumping on her for [!@#$%^&*] her husband has done.


Last season I was big fan of Toya and Heavenly but I can't stand them as much as I despise Quad at this point.


The only one I really feature now is Mariah. I never saw the first season of the show when she was apparently real extra so I really only know her from the end of season 2 and her limited role in season 3. And who the [!@#$%^&*] did she piss off to STILL not be in the opening?!

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I really think it's something behind the scenes re: Mariah not being in the opening.  Season 2 could have been because of her time off for her miscarriage - but i really think since she's an Executive Producer for the show, there's some sort of independence or legal issue for her not being considered as a full-time cast member.  


I think Mariah was just as extra as Quad in Season 1, but for me, it was cute/fun because they were friends and the show was new.  It's just become a little too much and a little too nasty now since they're not friends and we're in Season 4.


Of course there was the infamous throwdown fight between Mariah and Toya from Season 1 that should be viewed, if you can!

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it makes no sense. If Lisa wants to be delusional about her marriage, then so what? Her fronting isnt hurting any of these women. She acting like her marriage is perfect is a harmless lie to them and frankly none of their business. There is embarassment and shame when it comes to discussing faults about your marriage and the way these women act, they'd take it as ammunition to further shame Lisa. They already do with the way they keep throwing the cheating and gay rumors in her face


I hated Mariah in season 1. She was very extra and off putting. She's toned it down considerably since getting kicked out the group. She's a breath of fresh air now and I live for her appearances. IA, she should be in the opening considering she's a bigger part of the series now than last (which I thought was partly her choice bc of the miscarriage)

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They're filming the reunion today and Mariah is there. I'm happy to hear this. I was getting worried that Andy was pulling the plug on non-housewives reunions since Southern Charm and Below Deck both didn't get reunions this year. Nor did Blood Sweat and Heels and M2M Houston although those two weren't surprises to me. 

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Oh you're right - they did, my bad.  I guess the Below Deck Med and latest season of Below Deck didn't have reunions, but maybe it's too hard to get them together.  Ladies of London haven't had reunions since the first season.  Million Dollar Listing NY had 1 season of a reunion, but not this past year.  


Anyway, back to M2M - here is the seating chart for the reunion:


Genise-Lisa Nicole-Mariah-Jackie-ANDY-Simone-Quad-Heavenly-Toya


Surprising line-up.  I'm also glad they're involved Genise... not sure why she wasn't a full-time cast member.

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B/c production [!@#$%^&*] sucks on M2M. Mariah spilled that they didn't show even a fraction of the things that occurred this season. They didn't show scenes of Genise and her hubby, who Mariah felt had a beautiful story to tell this season. The show also cut out Mariah and her many tragedies this year too. We didn't see her scenes with her sister, who nearly died having a baby, struggle to get back to health along with Mariah/Ayden taking care of all of them. We didn't see Mariah deal with her losing her father. We didn't see Mariah deal with Ms. Lucy having a stroke. We didn't see Mariah/Ayden come to an impasse about trying for kids again. We didn't see Mariah deal with the loss of her twins. 


These are all stories that were filmed and cut out the show the past TWO seasons. According to Mariah (via the episode reviews she does each week), they are on tape. These instances were filmed. However, the show preferred making her the villain instead of telling her story. 


IMO, Bravo needs to scrap Purveyors of Pop and find a new home for M2M. The BTS drama is getting too messy, and the lines are blurred. Production should be objective, not all up in the drama and playing faves, which is what they've done. Sadly, their ploy of making Mariah the bad guy has failed as she's still immensely popular with the audience. 

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That's unfortunate!  I'd like to see more of Genise and Mariah's stories.  Isn't Mariah an Executive Producer on this show though?  Doesn't she have pull? Maybe I just don't know how it all works

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  I'm sure Heavenly wishes she could feature more of her sassy daughter too - we haven't seen much of Heavenly's family this year.


I about died with Darren came to Hawaii with his arm in a sling...and then is caught telling the guys one story and his wife another story.  This guy really just buries himself in a hole - it's almost funny although I know it tears Lisa Nicole up.

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Mariah's title is just a vanity title much like Shaunie's is on BBW or LVP's on PumpRules. Just a title that lines their pockets with a bit more money. She has no pull or a lot of the women would be gone. Mariah hinted (recently) the only women she'd keep were Toya, Heavenly, Lisa, & Genise. 


Darren does bury himself, but I felt he should've just flat out told Lisa he isn't coming b/c he doesn't wanna be around the likes of Heavenly or Toya. That alone would've provided him with enough of an excuse to not have to attend.

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Heavenly didnt annoy me for once. She was on her best behavior and I liked she and Lisa making peace

Mariah is tired of apologizing to Quad and I am tired of it as well

Quad lying yet again to Greg about giving him a baby

I thought it was wrong of Simone to just spring a surprise vow renewal on all the couples. Lisa and Darren for example had no business being put in that position

Curtis is pissing me the hell off. He's acting like a baby. Jackie works alot but she's had to sacrifice alot for him. She wanted a baby but had to give up that dream bc he said no. She wanted to live in a high rise apartment but she had to give that up bc he said no. She keeps giving but it doesnt look like its reciprocated

Lucy is back next week!

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I was up this morning watching the past 5 episodes.... these women are so SHADY! OMG!


Mariah said Quad without make up and a weave was like Mr. Potato Head lmao and when she said Toya could take her scooter and ride to H&R Block!!!!!


I am not here for Quad at all.... she is annoying as sh-t. She wants Mariah to be bothered so bad. That mess with keeping them from going into the party was childish and leaving money at the door so Ayden and Mariah could make it home. Really b-tch? That is so petty considering that you were living out of your car and the Huqs put you up in an apartment when you first got to Atlanta. 


Mariah did not make Simone's dad's death about herself. I too would have been shocked that she invited Quad along to share such a profound and deep moment with her but I did not even receive a phone call. Mariah goes way back with Simone and knows her family... Quad just got on the scene and was introduced to Simone via Mariah. It's hurtful. 


Lisa Nicole has such low self esteem. I believe that Darren is gay chile. All the extra sh-t about how he couldn't get off and how he missed his flight. He was laid up for three days with one of his hoes in LA.


Tacky Toya.... this bitch is so uncouth and ignorant. Her husband is a weak ass man and I wasn't her for her going in on LN for being the spa with Simone. Simone asked her to be in there you buck toothed broad.

Heavenly's storyline is dry.... she has not changed and I am confused on when this journey was supposed to have taken place?


Jackie is f-cking stunning and her fashions have been ON POINT this season. Her face was beat for the gods in Hawaii. Her husband and his mole can go tf away. He is bitter and feels inadequate. Ain't nothing worse than a big ass insecure ass man.

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