Members NothinButAttitude Posted April 22, 2014 Members Share Posted April 22, 2014 No, Cheap! Adel is love (like Babe from AMC)! But I see Adel getting dragged to final two b/c he has no shot of winning unless he's opposite Rochelle/Sabrina. Beside Neda/Jon/Heather, he's gonna lose miserably. But I think he knows that and is fine with walking away with just 20k. I think the fact that if he makes it to final two after being a target from day one, will be fine with him. Honestly, I see Heather winning it all, which is funny too because she was the other target from day one. She's sitting pretty right now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members KMan101 Posted April 22, 2014 Members Share Posted April 22, 2014 YES! I can't stand Adel's arrogant cocky ass either. His speech (which has drag my sorry ass to the end written all over it) to Sabrina and Rachelle (who I'm not super fond of) was uncalled for. He's playing too hard and is way too serious with all of this. I was so hoping he'd get his ass handed to him last week but Sabrina, Rachelle and Allison had to be stupid, and now look where it got them. I'm going to laugh so hard when the BB Gods have Sabrina win an HOH after everyone said she wouldn't/couldn't. Neda SHOULD win this game but I think Heather definitely has the best shot. I suppose Jon could too, but I just can't see it, unless everyone's REALLY bitter towards Neda/Adel (should Jon go to the finals with them). I could see it, maybe, but he doesn't necessarily deserve it, IMO, even though I like him. So he probably will. Jillbot and Emmett are very overrated, IMO (especially Emmett) but I have to give them credit for convincing Andrew to stick with them in their season. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members KMan101 Posted April 22, 2014 Members Share Posted April 22, 2014 I already said my piece about Emmett and Jillbot. Yuck. But yeah, the twists need to be done. I wouldn't mind BBUS ripping off some of them (not EVERY WEEK though), but the casts the US seasons just do such a horrible job. No wonder they never get tasks or things to do. We need better casting. Survivor FINALLY got it right this season. I'm praying BB does too. I still can't believe the same person casts BBUS and BBCAN. Gotta be Grodner's interference and CBS. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members NothinButAttitude Posted April 22, 2014 Members Share Posted April 22, 2014 Only things I want that BBCAN does are instant eviction, giving the house tasks with rewards and punishments, and as you stated, better casting choices. And it is Grodner/CBS, which is why we have tokens instead of a diverse cast. Grodner supposedly is a believer in casting "beautiful people" because they'll bring sex and drama which equals ratings rather than casting fans that live for the show. When she does cast fanatics, they are usually duds (Adam, Spencer, Ian, McRae), who either float through the game and don't do sh*t or are force fed to us as being GOATS. I think after this last season, we deserve a diverse cast from here on out. Especially this upcoming season. We'd get that if Grodner would allow Kass to have full casting choices but I doubt she will. Grodner will cast the same characters again and we'll be forced to watch another season filled with the same dull ass token characters. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members KMan101 Posted April 22, 2014 Members Share Posted April 22, 2014 Yeah, I figured it was mostly Grodner. Ian and McCrae were huge disappointments, especially McCrae, who freaking slept all summer. I think last season's cast was actually a step in the right direction, sort of. They were just unlikable people for the most part. I'd personally like to see many of them play again, for various reasons (race riot 2013 aside). And considering Grodner's pet project for like four seasons was Mr. Disgusting Pectacular, I'll never trust her with the show. She really needs to be ousted but I don't ever see that happening. The show hasn't been the same since Arnold Shapiro exited after All Stars. Even though BB5 was sort of a dud with the cast, I'd take them over a majority of the losers cast in BB12, BB13 and BB14. LOL. I mean, this season of BBCAN has me literally dying to see each episode. I can't remember when I last felt that for Big Brother US. Oh well. We'll see in two months. Apparently they're still casting, according to Chenbot on Twitter. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Cheap21 Posted April 22, 2014 Members Share Posted April 22, 2014 BB5 was amazing! I loved the cast and twists Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members KMan101 Posted April 22, 2014 Members Share Posted April 22, 2014 I really liked BB5 too actually, but it seems to get knocked for some reason (although it's like Shakespeare compared to recent seasons). I loved Marvin, Karen, Nakomis and Diane. The twin twist was good. Adria and Natalie definitely brought some drama. Jase, Scott and Holly were so annoying but I remember everyone and literally everything. I liked BB6 too but I find that season a tad bit overrated, IMO, even though the drama was great. I just didn't like the partners twist. No twist on BBUS ever really succeeds like they want it to. Even the Sabotuer twist was total dud. I still have trouble recalling a lot of stuff from the more current seasons. To me, that speaks of the quality. I remember more from the players who returned than the newbies who were cast. No wonder they haven't done another All-Stars, who would they bring back? Frank and Jessie (BB10)? Like seriously .... lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members NothinButAttitude Posted April 22, 2014 Members Share Posted April 22, 2014 BB6 was good feeds wise. There was never a dull moment on feeds. Game wise, the season sucked. Maggie ran that house like clockwork, to the point it was scary. She had her alliance sacrificing themselves for her practically. Howie & Kaysar, both who I love dearly, were stupid players. Had Kaysar not thrown HOH to Jennifer in the pressure cooker, he could've lasted a heck of a lot longer than he did. And had Howie not allow Maggie to masterfully mindf*ck him into nominating his own teammate (Rachel), he, Janelle, and Rachel could've sailed easily into final 3. I love BB5 too but Diane ruined it for me when she started to dick ride Drew and screw her own alliance. Sadly, Drew came out to be gay and Diane got the boot over Cowboy. Highlight for me that season was Nakomis' "5 Finger Plan," which is where the original backdoor took place. But if Grodner has anything to do with the show, her All Star cast will consist of characters such as: dumbass Jeff (for the 3rd time), Rachel, Brendon, Frank, Britney, Matt, Dani D, Kalia (to fulfill the black female role), Elissa, Helen, Amanda, Aaryn, Andy, Ian, Dan, Jesse (if TNA wrestling will allow him), and Hayden. And she'll rig and push for a Frank/Jeff alliance and win. I'm hoping by the time they do an all-star season again, she'll be well out the door. But again, I'm hoping that this season will be BBUSA's most diverse cast yet. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted April 22, 2014 Members Share Posted April 22, 2014 I actually didn't mind Ian too much. He was a sexist, which did bother me, but he was likeable outside of that (to me anyway) and his story progressively grew over the season, especially after the show's forced attempts to put him in a "beauty and the geek" romance with pillhead Ashley failed. I don't want to see him back though. BB5 was a great season until the twins won HOH and Diane went on a rampage. After that it was unwatchable. And Cowboy is the most offputting person cast on the show outside of the racists and bigots. I don't think we'll see Andy (production ignored him until they had no choice in the matter), Aaryn, Kalia (she questioned production), Britney (her choice) or Dan (his choice) again. I agree about most of the others, sadly. Frank is the dullest and most overrated shithead ever on BB. Until BB stops casting for pre-planned characters and pre-planned story arcs, nothing will change. The last two seasons, those pre-show plans blew up in their face. I am hoping this happens again so someone will finally get the message to not cast for hookups, and to not cast for a new Britney or a new Dan or a new Rachel or a new Jeff. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members NothinButAttitude Posted April 23, 2014 Members Share Posted April 23, 2014 I can see them bringing back Aaryn though (like Amanda) as a way to clean up her image. Had Aaryn not been a racist tramp, she would've simply been a good reality TV villainess. Same with Amanda. I do see CBS inviting them back to allow them to clean up their images. Especially Amanda now that she and McRae are broken up. They'll be more PC and not as vicious. It'll be like what they did with Rachel for BB13, except Rachel was never as vile as those two. And I agree, Frank was extremely boring but it didn't help the viewers that Grodner had a boner for him, and one of the writers of the staff just happened to be an ex-WWF/WWE writer and he wrote for WWF when Frank's dad, Sid Vicious, was working for the company. Personally my dream All-Star cast would consist of: Girls: Danielle Reyes, Danielle Donato, Danielle Murphy (even though she's deluded), Jodi (because she didn't get to play a fair game), Candice (because she was cast on a sh*t season and deserves a 2nd chance), Libra, Keesha, Elissa (same as Candice), Rachel, Porsche, Kalia, Helen, and maybe Amanda . Girls Honorable Mentions: If Janelle, Jun, or Brit choose to play again and leave their babies then they deserve it automatically. Jessie, Chima (yes, I said it ), Natalie (s11), Renny, Amy, Monica, Kaitlin, & Allison. Boys: Russell, Jesse (I liked him s11 better), Ronnie, Eric (s8), Joe (s14), Hayden, Matt, Kevin (s11), Marcellas, Brendon, Drew, Howard (see Candice), Parker (s9), Alex (s9), Dominic, Lane, Jason (s3). Boys Honorable Mention: Dick but that's because he's a previous winner but I really don't want him to return. I'd be fine with Dr. Will, Boogie, Dan, or even Ian but I wouldn't be thrilled. Maybe Judd, Nick, McRae, and Jeremy from last season can return to get a second chance but I couldn't care less TBH. My dream though would be for the next All-Stars to be BBUSA v. BBCAN, BBUSA v. various BB players from worldwide, OR a celebrity BB with other reality stars and has beens. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members KMan101 Posted April 23, 2014 Members Share Posted April 23, 2014 Yes yes yes. The last part 10000% Carl. You hit the nail on the head. They cast for preplanned stories and arcs and they keep trying to cast the same person over and over again, basically. I can agree about Ian. And you're spot on about All-Stars. I dread seeing Frank again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members KMan101 Posted April 23, 2014 Members Share Posted April 23, 2014 I'd love a Worldwide version or a BBUS vs. BBCAN. I'd prefer that season take place IN Canada with their production team though. Grodner needs to take a flying leap. I think there are a lot of players from last season who could/will be brought back. They may not have liked the race wars but I don't think that would stop them bringing Aaryn or Amanda back. And Aaryn did win HOH like 5 times. I'd actually be curious to see her play again. And Amanda seems like a sure thing. Or she should be. I'd like to see Candice, Elissa and Helen again too. Yeah, Helen dropped the ball with her game but hell, I'd even take Jessie back too (girl Jessie, not Loser Pectacular). So the cast last year, IMO, wasn't bad if you take away the disgusting behavior on the live feeds, which half of the audience doesn't see anyway. BB15 also gave the show the most buzz it's had in years. Of course they'd proably bring back McCrae (for no reason), Spencer, Gina Marie and Andy and ignore everyone else knowing Grodner. I don't know that I see Evel Dick doing it again. Britney probably won't (her own words). Dan probably couldn't repeat his two seasons of amazingness so I could see him not doing it. But at the same time, Janelle's returned twice already (after her first season), so who knows? People say they won't do it but if the offer is there ... and circumstances are right .... never say never. I just hate that they wasted, IMO, a lot of them on their stupid twists for BB13 & BB14. We could have had such an interesting All Star season with Dick, Daniele, Jeff, Jordan, Rachel, Brendon, Janelle, Boogie, Britney, Dan but noooooo ..... sigh. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted April 23, 2014 Members Share Posted April 23, 2014 I don't think Dick or Boogie ever should have been asked back on the show. Janelle, she was OK, but she felt so out of place. I ended up enjoying BB14, for the most part, but it was almost in spite of itself. Dan and Britney did a lot of work salvaging that season. If you look at what the show wanted (Ian/Ashley homance, Frank as the new Chilltown), it makes you shudder. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members KMan101 Posted April 23, 2014 Members Share Posted April 23, 2014 Yes. That's why I do shudder at BB14, but there wasn't that much great about it from what I remember. It started out OK, actually. But I agree that Britney and Dan salvaged that season. Janelle did seem out of place in BB14 and Boogie needs to retire from Big Brother. I think it started going downhill once Janelle was booted for pretty much no reason. I will always enjoy watching Dan and Britney play. Janelle disappointed me by being so relaxed. She definitely wasn't on her game. I don't like Evel Dick or Boogie AT ALL, lol, but I do think they have their places on All Star seasons. I think it's time to stop asking them though. And I enjoyed seeing Daniele play again in BB13. I also didn't mind Rachel. I'd be fine never seeing Brendon again. I go back and forth on Jeff, I like him but he's definitely a bit overrated. I don't see Jordan playing again. She only played again in BB13 for Jeff. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Cheap21 Posted April 24, 2014 Members Share Posted April 24, 2014 The prize for winning the veto was an hour with Emmet and Jillian? Was there an option to rescind? Adel's strategy here on out is to become the most hated houseguest so that people will want to take him to F2. What a STUPID way to play the game. Does he realize that pissing off every jury member means he will likely not win? His stategy would only work if there was someone in the house more hated than him and aside from the Gremlins , whom he targeted, everyone in the house is likeable. What an idiot. He deserves to be evicted for his stupidity Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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