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Best/Worst Soap Funerals

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I know that it's a bit morbid in light of today's sad news, but all this talk about honoring JI's Edward with a grand funeral on the show had me thinking about the poignant, scandalous, hilarious, and less-than-stellar funerals that we've watched on soaps over the years.

The first that comes to mind is Asa Buchanan's fake funeral back in 2001(?) on OLTL, as there were plenty of laughs and scandal that made it a fun storyline for me to watch.

What say you, guys?

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DAYS's Alice Horton in 2010 was one of the best ever, IMO. They brought back so many vets and actually used some of them in story, or heavily referenced past story and past character connections. Tom Horton's in 1994 was also very good, although the actual funeral episode focused too heavily on current plot and not enough nostalgia.

GL's Ross Marler in 2006 was such a cheap copout. An "Inside The Light" episode that had his death, mourning period, funeral, alleged affair and quick resolution, and Blake's resurgeance in one episode. I'd also like to know why Blake Marler was supposedly one of the many living at the Beacon Hotel when she had 3 pre-teen kids. Do they sleep in the sock drawers?

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I don't think we should even count this one because there was no concern for GH (still isn't), the history or it's "vets". At that time, the focus was on Starr, her pain and Shecky. Anything remotely related to Robin was not show for 8 business days. Then the empty chapel and the circus that ensued? Look at the follow thru - Patrick's offscreen drug addiction and Ana off screwing filthy Luke? Starr gets follow up when the truth about Johnny comes to light.

This post is about the best/worst when an effort was actually made. There was no effort at all. Don't care for Robin and wish she had really died, but the funeral was a travesty. Heckle and Jeckle must have been laughing their asses off simply because they could!

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Well, I liked Mona's funeral on ALL MY CHILDREN. That is, until SuLu literally threw herself on the damn coffin and it was all I could do not to reach through my TV screen and throw her in there with her mother.

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I know she wasn't a long-term character so her funeral wasn't heart-wrenching, but when Kristina died on GH, NLG turned in a GREAT performance at her funeral. I still remember her dropping the urn, the ashes spilling everywhere. She looks at Sonny, screaming "Look what you DID!"

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