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Love and Hip Hop Thread


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Absolutely, but this is the same woman who infringed on Mimi's relationship with that rodent as she took a cavalier attitude. She disrespected Mimi at every turn, so let Mimi have this moment. Then you have the angle of Jos and Steebie having this same damn fight all the time. Why is Jos shocked? She was paid huge dividends tonight! Loved it!

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The finale seems like Mona told everybody to meet up and reconcile to wrap up their stories. Very boring. Honestly forgot about Traci until I saw her at the end. She doesn't need to return. Her story had no impact. Did they ever even discuss the thousands of dollars Drew lost with that shoe store?

Stevie J is so childish. I knew he wasn't going to settle down with Joseline.

Nice to see Rasheeda and K mend fences.

Scrappy looked a damn mess in this episode. He needs to shave and he only went to rehab for weed to avoid prison time. I doubt his punk ass is addicted he just wanted to avoid beong behind bars. He will be back using sooon enough if he hasn't already.

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I had to rewind Mimi laughing at the end about 20 times. I cried laughing at that. She had such glee watching Jos get screwed by Steebie AGAIN! She was truly hilarious!

The best thing about it you ask? Che Mack disappeared eppies ago, and we didn't even notice! Rabid ass Rottweiler had no place on this show!

Edited by ChitHappens
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After last night's episode, I haven't a single point to offer in defending this broad (or Jose, for that matter). That dummy has no leg to stand on in when it comes to looking down on Jose. She's fully aware that Master Splinter is playing her like Scrabble and chooses to engage in his bullshit, so she deserves everything that will be said and will come to her.

One nice thing that I'll say about this chick is that I did like her braids. Otherwise, she can get gone.

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I'm glad that K. Michelle mended fences before departing. I'm going to miss K and Jose's growing friendship. Dare I say I enjoyed these two together better than I did K and the rest of the girls?

Honestly, I don't know where this show'll go after this season. They just better keep Mimi, Erica, and Joseline. The rest of them can go.

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Stevie J is an @sshole. And a butterface, too. It's a shame that Benzino is the only male on this show with a hint of moral decency.

Erica is stunningly beautiful. There are moments when she reminds me of Freema from Doctor Who.

Edited by Faulkner
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Erica has always been good looking but this season took her and Joseline to a whole nother level. Even in that scene where she flipped out on Master Splinter after he embarrassed her, she was looking radiant. And yeah the next season will definitely be interesting. Wonder what Mona Scott has planned cuz it could be very very bad if not done correctly.

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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Jos upped her game at the reunion last year and ever since then her style and hair have been on point.

I had to watch this ratchet ish after seeing these comment and LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

I love Mimi.

Mimi: "Classic Steevi J. Classic. You done pissed your fiancé off."

Steebie: "Joseline, where are you going?"

Mimi: "She's leaving."

Steebie TH: I just approved your membership for the Life partner Gang, and you leaving already?! LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Edited by London
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He’s gained so much weight and leaves the season looking gross. Not getting a haircut for his talking head doesn't help matters either. He is such a punk ass bitch. I cant believe he had the nerve to blame the women in his life for him smoking. Really? I liked Mama Dee checking him and telling him to stop pointing fingers and take responsibility for his own choices


How did Jos go from being the ugliest last season to being the best looking chick in the game? It was dumb of her to announce that she’s engaged when she asked Stevie and didnt quite get that definitve answer.

K Michelle announcing she is leaving for NY….such a blatant obvious spinoff setup. Oh wait, NYC is the original, not the spinoff. You know Arianne was thinking “Yes! Bitch, Im about to take that spot"


Why was this bitch opening her mouth? LOL..I cant believe she had the nerve to say she’s not a Jos lookalike bc Jos looks like her. And who is you again? You POSED as Joseline in a video meant to mock her. You do the math, you stupid ho. This got me thinking. LOL…Che Mack up and disappeared from this season


I forgot K and Rasheeda had beef. K’s weave is wack! Its like she finally stopped giving a f--k by this final episode.


"Here comes Molly the Maid strolling in, looking stupid as always" laugh.png Her new body looks disproportioned and that dress looked awful on her.

Stevie is crazy! That scene was a mess. He proposes to Joseline and gives his baby mama a ring, 2 minutes later? Molly the Maid was laughing at her the entire time and Stevie totally clowned her. What the heck did Jos do to deserve that? It was as if that entire thing was a setup wih those two to humiliate and crush her. Its too bad security was there bc he deserved to have her let out She-Hulk on him. That was beyond cruel. I want her to go in on both of them at the reunion.

Oh and when he said that "maybe I should give the good to the right person, or maybe the right people. Or maybe give my love to a whole new crew. You never know. You just got to tune in to see what Im gonna do" Anyone else smell a dating show spinoff?


I hate that Traci wasnt featured in the finale! She was an extra in Rasheeda’s earlier segment and shows up the end to get her closure scene but her story wasnt shown at all. BTW, she looks gorgeous with the braids and she has a beautiful family

LMAO at Karlie not even getting closure in the final segment

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New hairstyles this episode: 4! Hairstyles this season: 25

Edited by Cheap21
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Lol Karlie truly was so irrelevant this season. Even that little scene with her and K Michelle and Rasheeda seemed forced and not genuine.

I was mad that the crew kept Jos away from Stevie too. I so wanted him to lay those paws on him.

Scrappy....what else is there to say about this little boy? If not for that little girl Imani I'd say he should just go into a corner somewhere and die and spare Erica the misery of always wondering what might have been. This guy is just beyond pathetic.

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