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DAYS: April Discussion Thread

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I would write off J/J. To me they never should have been brought back after their African safari, or whatever. They haven't had an interesting story since then. Jack pretending to be gay was the one thing that was semi-interesting, and even then it was too insulting intellectually and was only good because Greta finally got to do something. I agree Melissa Reeves has no spark, and Matt Ashford does but the whole silly Jack thing is so played out and I just don't care anymore.

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Here's the thing: under normal circumstances, I would advocate splitting apart Jack and Jennifer. Especially because it feels as if the only way to give them story is to have Jack dying yet one more time. I suspect, however, that if DAYS actually did split up those two, their new partners would only remind us of the spark Melissa Reeves and Matt Ashford had once upon a time and maybe can get back again if we all just clap our hands and wish upon a star. In other words, I'd buy a permanent Jack/Jenn separation but only if one or the other was recast (as what happened during the Mark Valley/Stephanie Cameron years). And I don't know about YOU, but I can't take another Mark Valley, Stephanie Cameron or (God help us) Steve Wilder.

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Jack and Billie do have a history of flirtation and romance.

Jennifer and Brady, that would be interesting. I think that Martsolf is under-appreciated. I especially like it when he shows off his comedic side. Jennifer seems to have a way of finding herself in comedic situations, so this could be promising. Also, he needs to be freed up from Madison. I was loving Madison early on. But this snuffling cry baby we have been watching since Ian Buchanan's joining the cast is testing my patience.

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Thank you, AMCHistory, that's feel about Eric Martsolf, too. I understand why the man has his detractors, but I feel as if the show should be held accountable for not writing toward his strengths, which happen to lie more in comedy than they do in melodrama. It'd take some work, of course, and I'd never suggest turning Brady into Salem's answer to OLTL's David Vickers, but Brady as a lovable lunkhead with a penchant for (shirtlessness and) broad comedy might work more than it wouldn't.

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Actually? If I had my druthers? Number one, Chloe would be recast. Number two, we'd have to decide once and for all whether she's a total bitch or just misunderstood. (I realize she couldn't be opera-loving "Ghoul Girl" forever, but that ho at the end? Who WAS that?) And number three, once Lucas and Nicole were set up as a couple, I'd have Chloe as the third wheel and spoiler. Chloe and Nicole fighting = RATINGS, people.

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In dramatic acting stakes, Nadia isn't much (although that seems to be common for the current slate of ladies on DAYS), but she does have a real charisma and I think she had great potential towards the end of her run.

I do think Chloe and Nicole would be better as adversaries.

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I wouldnt go there. One thing I liked about Higley (I think she stareted it) was their friendship and think that works for both characters. Keep Sami as Nicole's rival. I prefer Chloe as her friend.

I do agree with others that Jack and Jenn are boring. I almost wish they had just left her with Daniel. I think Jack has potential outside of her. I think he could have done well with Nicole or Billie. Ive seen clips of he and Billie from her 2002 return and thought they were fun but had no idea they go way back to the early 90s. They have history and its too bad they've never actually been explored

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WTH hasnt Billie had any scenes with Jack OR Jennifer since returning?

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Jack being on his own, with friendships, and Jennifer with Daniel would have been better than what we got, but the writing for Jennifer and Daniel was awful. That she was so ashamed of even having a wedding photo and was so insecure and clingy was just awful to watch. She seemed mentally ill.

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Like a lot of actors/actresses on Days, Kate's been the victim of bad storytelling. I think Kate's got a lot of potential. She really showed off her skills during the time Jack returned to Salem. She and Matt Ashford went head to head and both actors did a great job.

So what did they do? Downplay that story, make Abby bat-[!@#$%^&*] crazy for all of two weeks, and now she's back to normal and trying to warn Melanie about suddenly bat-[!@#$%^&*] crazy Gabi.

Hopefully the upcoming writing change evens things out. The problem with a lot of performers on here is they're just not getting the material. (shrugs)

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