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Lifetime: Devious Maids


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To be honest, as much as I love this show, I think the whole "Who Killed Flora" bit is a mistake. Who killed her? Who cares? She's a victim we barely know. So far as well know is that she's a slutty golddigger, and that took weeks to discover. Even her maid friends don't seem terribly broken up over her murder. She doesn't appear to have family that we've seen. Beyond Marisol wanting to get her son and his anger issues out of jail, there's not a lot of reason to care who killed her.

I think if they wanted a big push for the initial season to be who killed Flora, then they should have given us more build up as to who she was or shown her family and friends grieving her death. Give the audience a reason to care that this woman is dead.

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You're right. No one really cares about Flora. I think Marc Cherry is really just using that character as a device to introduce the main cast to the audience. In the process, however, the murder does provide some intrigue and suspense.

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I'm right there with you. She walked out on her husband and just pretended he didn't exist? Didn't bother to get a divorce? All to pursue a music career? That's borderline acceptable when you're 22. It's downright ridiculous when you're 37. Grow up, Carmen.

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Anyone else think the bird was going to save Carmen? I thought it was going to peck at his face when the cage broke. Oh and haters to the left. I love Carmen. She's the best one

I didn't realize Valentina has known Remy since they were kids. I thought she just got close to him a few weeks ago That was probably dumb on me for not realizing that. I have to say she is reminding me a bit of Teresa Lopez-Fitzgerald

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Was Remy's girl the same chick that was with Michael on GH this week? I liked Valentina beating her ass

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The guy is adorable



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The dead son really helped humanize Adrian and Evelyn, showing another side to them. And that ending shot where they blow the candles out was great.

Big sigh... Carmen being beaten and strangled by her husband played for laughs. Siiigh.

Don't get me started about the crap with Valentina and Remi.

Loved Marisol and her son.

Meh on Rosalinda or whatever her name is and Jake from MELROSE PLACE.

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