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GH: Discussion for the Month of March

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I can see both sides of it. Liz is more Robin's acquiescence then actual close friend. That is itself isn't really a problem, since writers are ignoring Brenda, Jax and Sonny in her involvements. There needs to be someone to hold open the random friend #1 eulogy spot and none of them are available. What I do think is suspicious is that a. Robin wanted Liz to be second mama to Emma and second wife to Patrick and b. she didn't involve any of her current family members in her plans for Emma, in the event that she was gone. Those deserve several WTF's.

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when did I ever imply any of that? There is no problem with it. Their "friendship" to me however just felt hollow and seemed more of a case as they just needed to stick 2 females together. Robin always came across as a poor Emily replacement and Liz was a Brenda fill in. I stand by my statement that had Liz not worked at the hospital, that they wouldnt have anything to do with each other. They were close coworkers and thats the common thread that linked them together, not bc they had some close deep kinship.

Does Robin being good friends with Liz preclude her from being good friends with others? Of course not, as evidenced by Robin flocking to rekindling her friendship with Brenda when she returned.

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Well "Hollow" just about sums up every relationship on GH over the last few years. I think it's a stretch to find meaning in very much that goes on in Port Charles.

But belly-aching about this particular connection in lieu of the fact that most of those associated with both women historically are gone, doesn't make much sense IMO (and not saying that you personally were "belly-aching", it's just an observation I've made from all the posts on this subject). At least these two HAVE been seen in each others' homes and lives over the past many years since Robin returned. Other "friendships" are even more nebulous.

I'm really hoping for a desert island full of Q's who happen to be found before the assumed end of the show.

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Well so far I think Jason Thompson has done great work. Aside from that this whole "Robin dies" arc has felt very hallow. They had a chance to really do something special after losing such a beloved character and it's been eh. Some good scenes does not equal good story. Robin was not a character I particularly loved like Alan or Emily or Tony but I feel like I should feel something. The only moments that have touched me have been those few scenes with Patrick over the past few weeks. And I feel this is just going to be another death forgotten and wasted until at some point they decide to bring back robin and that will likely be written weakly also. I recall RC saying how he wanted this to mimic Luckys "death" and while I don't think that was perfect, it had a heck of a lot more feeling and impact than this.

As for the liz robin ish they are as good a friends as anyone on GH barring Jason and Carly. This show doesn't really care about those type of relationships or friendships anymore and I agree with the term fill in. They needed robin to have a friend with Brenda MIA and Liz to have one with Emily gone so they shoved them together. It's as good as most get these days on GH.

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Damn, GH is cheap. I can't believe they could not have pay some extras to fill out the pews at the church. Robin was a doctor with lots of patients, colleagues and friends who would have wanted to pay their respects. She was also active in the HIV community back in the day, you would think that those people would have shown up for her funeral. Oh well, the beat goes on.

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No. That was the year before with Dillon, Spinelli and Milo. By this time, Lulu was with Logan while Spinelli was spending time with Georgie (this was, incidentally, a few weeks before Georgie's death). Dillon was off the show but he came back for Emily's funeral.

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