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September 19-23, 2011


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Oh and congrats AMC! I'd love to see (just out of curiousity) how the AMC jump compares to other soap finales. I also hope it sends a message to PP, amidst all the rumours of them focusing more on OLTL and AMC being back burnered, that there IS an audience out ther who has some interest and love for AMC and that the longer the wait the more that will fade.

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Tina going over the waterfall hit #1 for sure and I think Clint/Viki in the Wild West did too once. But by the time Rauch left, OLTL had fallen out of contention. Malone/Gottlieb's did manage surge OLTL back to #3 a few weeks in 1994.

Nice to see AMC finale surge so high.


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Sorry Eric but I highly doubt that the ones that returned would have gone online to watch it. I think what will happen is the ones who watched regulary wont be waiting to see it online in January ..especially if they dont know about it.

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Oh by no means did I mean, or think, that even half or a quarter of the returned fans would continue on--but I do think *some* of them would--and hopefully will. And at this point every extra viewer for the online venture really does matter.

Yeah, while some longtime fans still dislike what Gottlieb did to OLTL, I definitely get why ABC told her that what they wanted was a complete house cleaning. It seems like they brought in DePriest briefly to try to restructure the show, the way she came in to AMC in '89 to do the same, but it wasn't catching.

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Unfortunately, OLTL lost viewers in the week before AMC's last week:


Total Viewers

2. OLTL 2,668,000 (-148,000/+341,000)


3. OLTL 2.0/7 (-.1/+.2)

I'm almost positive it got a boost as the lead-out from AMC's finale episodes but that's JMO.

How will OLTL do now that it's famous (notorious?) as the campy soap between The Spew and GH?

When can ABC's O&O's start asking to have The Chew's hour back to air more profitable programming like reruns of statue dedications, State Fair giant produce competitions and past holiday/sports victory parades? biggrin.png

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There was a writers strike during the Old West storyline. ES has talked about TPTB having to stretch it out (using Miss Ginny who had become very popular) beyond its planned end-date. It was exhausting for her. I think the next writers strike (when Tomlin was the HW) screwed up RC's initial storylines and he was never able to recover from that. JMO.

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