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DOOL: Fall Preview!

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But that's what we wanted, right? On the other hand, when your biological dad was an abusive rapist, and your adoptive dad was a serial killer who preyed on young females, and you, yourself, have a history of marital rape (ask Kayla), I guess "bumbling moron" is the likely result? *shrug*

The less said about that idea....

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It's been the same damn problem w/ DAYS since the mid-'80's. They've built their reputation so much on airtime-eating super-couples that they now consider 'em untouchable. As a result, we don't get real stories anymore, just little "episodes" to distract us all from the fact that, structure-wise, this show is as empty as empty can get.

DAYS will never have another "serious" HW like it did with Bill Bell in the '70's. Ever. No writer of any real import will go near it. The production values are terrible, the actors even worse, and if all the BTS gossip about Corday and Sony is true, many scribes would rather work for Hitler than those numb-skulls!

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Thing is, the other characters and actors might've had the chance to turn things around, but either the writers deliberately sabotaged it all w/ boring stories, or they just don't know how to write anything that isn't about some impenetrable super-couple.

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I want to see the troubled, dark Jack like he was when we first met him back in the day, but unfortunately I don't think it's ever going to happen. I do give credit to MA for giving it his all. I do enjoy him onscreen all the time, even when Jack is an idiot.

This scene, the aftermath of his rape of Kayla, was just amazing. He and Mary Beth OWNED IT.

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This J&J Scene was incredible too. Dammit, I want THIS guy.


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Shampoo is actually a very profound film about the social and political mood of a certain time and place, and one of the best movies of the '70s. Anyone who drops that has my interest for a while, even if they're just going for the basic sketch of Beatty's character.

I'm not going to judge what they do with Victor, Maggie, Stefano etc without seeing it. We know they all have big roles coming up, Kate included. I do question the need for more Rafe. And I could do with a bit more Melanie in some new role. We can pretend this past Higley era was some great time where DAYS dispensed with supercouples and focused on characters but that is sheer bullshit. That show was unwatchable. I'll take both iconic couples and new ideas and characters if I can get it, and I have seen no clear indication I won't be getting that here yet. I'm giving it a shot.

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I posted this over at the board I run, but I'll repeat part of it here. I want to feel like I'm in a town eavesdropping on conversations. I want to see scenes between random characters that usually do not appear together. It gives you the illusion that Salem is a living, breathing community (while remembering the show is fiction, of course. lol)

What I'm really afraid we're going to get is six or seven characters with a lot of screen time at the expense of everyone else. I'm afraid that in six months a lot of people will be saying "Where's so-and-so? Why doesn't so-and-so appear more often?"

I hope I am wrong.

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That's what Days has been these last few years, and their names were EJ, Sami and Nicole. I welcome the return of John Marlena because while it seems near impossible to shake those three duds, if anyone can dislodge them from their permanent front-burner status, it will be John and Marlena.

Anyone who can get EJ, Nicole and Sami off my screen is A-OK in my book.

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Don't forget Sami is Marlena's daughter, so that might bring more Sami, not less.

The thing is it all rolls down hill. If Marlena/John get EJ/Sami/Rage's time, and they get the next slot down, it really doesn't bode well for Magic and others who aren't on enough as it is.

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All I know is that since I started watching DOOL in 2004, these last two years have been the worst two years and it all has to do with Nicole saying "Sydney" or "Johnny" 300 times a day, EJ going back and forth between these two women who are on far too much as it is, and Sami trying to be cast as the little old lady who lived in a shoe. So any change is ok with me, and I would sacrifice Magic, Abe and Lexie, or anyone else really if it meant getting someone new on in the front burner who is not portrayed by Tamara Braun.

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Vee, to a degree, you're right regarding the dumping of the supercouples. While the show dropped several couples, they still played Bo / Hope in storylines which were very John / Marlena -esque and Sami and her endless romantic merry-go-round with E.J. and Rafe was something out of Brad Bell's play book.

On the otherhand, I do think other characters were developed who wouldn't have had the audience not been given a break from some of the people who were dropped. 'Days' was evolving during this time, but not always delivering consistently engaging stories. The development of Maggie into the next Alice Horton was nice in an era where most shows were ignoring their over sixty performers. While some people hated Maggie taking in people like Mia and Melanie, it helped to establish her as a person who was willing to open her heart, and her home, to people in need.

In another thread, I was surprised by the shock of some audience members of the Dimera / Kiriakis crime war. While not a cohesive story, it is a recurring thread that has played out over the past few years and works on several levels. The Dimeras as criminal masterminds seemed a bit cartoonish, but grounding them more in legitmate enterprises with not so legitimate business practices is more realistic. I'm not saying the the story itself has been realistic, but the situation grounds the show and keep the family relevant while trying to move away from supernatural / adventure tales. Also, it allows the show to continue to play the Dimera / Brady feud in a different way. As a former 'Guiding Light' viewer, I thought the Cooper / Spaulding feud was poorly conceived as the Coopers were seen as pure and wholesome because of their (soap standard) poverty and the Spauldings were evil and corrupt because they desired power. With the Dimera / Kiriakis feud, you have two families on equal ground because both are willing to bend the law to get what they want and to protect the ones they love. In setting up this battle, characters like Stefano, Victor, and Kate were invigorated, but, unfortunately, I don't think the potential has truly been tapped.

IMO, the failure of Tomlin/Higley/Whitsell hasn't been the characters featured, but the often shoddy way stories have been written. While the baby saga was gripping at times, it didn't allow the characters to evolve into stories where they could continue to play out the ramifications of their prior actions in a new and interesting way. After so much build, letting the Nathan / Stephanie / Melanie storyline fizzle the way it did after such a dramatic conclusion to Act I of their story was criminal.

One of the things that peeves me about the new regime, while not necessarially all their fault, is they aren't developing the canvas they are inheriting. I think Higley / Whitesell / Tomlin took what they inherited and developed a strong canvas, but were telling boring stories while sometimes writing interesting situations and scenes. It's a shame actresses like Chappell and Sorel have been given the boot because I think there was still story left to tell for both women's characters. I would have liked to see what new writers could have done with the Salem that had been created post- John / Marlena, Steve / Kayla, Tony / Anna , etc.

Not all of this was directed at you, Vee, but it was your comment that got me thinking.

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