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Most miscast soap roles

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She was a little rough at first but she came into her own. I thought she and JY had amazing chemistry and it was the only time I liked Babe and JR. The way ended was pretty sad. I also loved her and Amanda as BFFs, which was much more believable than when AH was around. I loved the storyline where Babe and Amanda plotted to take over Fusion. Those two were already running the place while Greenlee and Kendall were obsessing over Annie's life

Oh god, IA on both points. Liked him as Ethan on Passions but he's just bad as Brady

LOL..I dont even know what the recast Di's name was either. She was very unnecesary and she should have been some random friend from Annie's past

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I thought she had really bad chemistry with all of the characters who Babe had strong ties with. Micheal E. Knight (Tad), Bobbie Eakes (Krystal), Jacob Young (JR), Vincent I. (David), Little Adam (Jarred), Eden Rigel (Bianca), Billy Miller (Wes/Ritchie), Melissa Claire Egan (Annie), etc. and she just wasn't half the dramatic actress Havins was.

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Daytime Emmy Nominated Dylan Patton as Will Horton on DAYS. LMAO. Never felt him as Will. He was bad


Like...what was even the point of that?? I'll never understand why Pratt randomly brought her back. I forget what the Actress even looked like...lol I need to see the clips again.

About Amanda Baker as Babe, nothing against her acting but I just never thought she was right in the role. I stopped liking and even caring about Babe when she took over.

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That was another miscast role. Although a significant amount of time had passed between actresses, the transition from Jensen Buchanan to Grace Phillips was too jarring.

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I am not one to defend Laura Wright. In some ways shes more like original Carly played by Sarah than the other 2 ever were but she lacks any ability to convey vulnerability which was what made Sarahs' Carly rootable. So I don't know if its miscasting so much its not having the acting range to show Carly as a multi dimensional character

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It would've been better if they had explained that Randi had been a high-priced escort who was being "punished" by her pimp with low-rent jobs for crossing him once too often.

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He looked a damn hot mess on the emmy red carpet that night. LMAO.

John, thank you for the info on Heather Kenzie - I had blocked her out. lol. I don't remember her acting being bad but it was just so mind boggling to me that Di suddenly came back with a new face like that. I didn't like that story with Annie at all.

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Not that I ever mistook either actress for master thespian, but I think it's tough to cast any role that was as ill-defined as Eden.

And if TH had had an affair with John Conboy, then she must've been a he! :D

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Tim Gibbs was so horrible as Kevin on OLTL. There were bad actors who played Kevin, but the character was basically the same. He and JFP turned Kevin into such a prick.

I never knew if Beth Chamberlin was all that great of recasting for Beth on GL. She never seemed to have the inner strength the character was supposed to have.

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