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It is definitely the same bakery. IIRC the mentions started around the time of the Fluke debacle in the early 2010s, when they were originally planning to bring back Bill himself as the heavy among others. Lord knows who runs it now.

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I would love to see Sly again but I doubt he's in town. My fear is if they brought him back the show would just put him with Liz because why not have her run through the whole family lol.

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Oh, he's in town alright!  He's working for Pikeman. 

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The show would absolutely immediatly pair him with Liz lol, but still unknown adult Sly character would probably be an upgrade from Finn.

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He's teaching Aiden more baking skills obviously

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I was thinking more wholesome.  Like Sly facetimes Lucky when he and Aiden are baking some cookies and they all bond.   Since I don't buy the narrative that Lucky just abandoned all of his children.  But I was thinking unknown Sly could be gay/bi and is just doing it all to be closer to Lucky lol.

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