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Numerous children? Lol. From the 2 most fertile people in town?  Maxie has been making a case for herself lately in the fertility department as well these days though. 

Liz/Sonny would have been grosser than Sonny/Emily because there are actual scenes of the two actors interacting while Liz was a teenager.  Anyhow, IN THEORY ONLY, it might have been interesting to see how Sonny dealt with Liz being a rape victim and looking back on how he treated women in the past.  And Liz seeking out an older man because of Daddy/men issues.  I always thought MB/BH worked well together in a friendship way.  Anyway, even if BH was a bit older, Liz always read very young to me in a way that Brenda/Karen didn't even though at the time Liz was older than they were when those two dated Sonny.

It's an interesting idea though.  It's hard to go back knowing what we know now, but Sonny circa 2000 wasn't the worst human ever like he is now. 

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I really love when the newer talent has so much respect for their show, especially for a scene that I consider to be the single most heartbreaking scene in GH history.  Something about watching Stone’s decline in real time, and this love story really hit me back then and it still brings me to tears now.

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I would never advocate for a pairing like Liz/Sonny, but if done RIGHT it could have been interesting.  If Sonny looked back at his past treatment of women and Liz acknowledged some of her issues.   I would say it's on the same playing field as her and Ric being paired.  It's a very similar age difference with BH.

I still was into Sonny during Brenda's first return.  I would say 2003 was the year he really soured him for me.  The Sam pairing, shooting Carly in the head, the way he treated Alexis and Carly was bad as well.  He was going down a bad path starting with the Carly pairing, but him shooting her in the head and being completely unreasonable about her recovery was just the end for me.  It's when the writing really became Sonny isn't a criminal, he's a good criminal to be admired.  The Jason deity stuff began before that to be honest.  Sonny still has his moments for me, but I think for most Sonny fans the endless parade of women and kids really killed it for him.    Part of Sonny's charm was that he really loved Brenda or Carly and was more or less a one woman guy and he suddenly became a manwhore who would get anyone pregnant.  The airtime didn't help either.  Sonny should be a lead in his own stories, not the lead of the show.

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The first thought I had when i read when did Sonny become irreparable was also when he shot Carly in the head.  That was the beginning of the end for me.

For me, it was the total domination of Sonny, Carly, Jason, and Michael.  As a kid all the way to a teen Michael was also forced down our throats for years.  Everything revolved around him.  And the diminishing of the rest of the canvas while those four are the show added to the issues.

Although, I do think there are immediate story possibilities for Sonny, whereas I feel Carly has been backed Into a corner a little bit.

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And, man, I hate to be mean about a kid, but DC was just so unlikable as kid Michael.  I hated that child.  I think adding the completely reviled Courtney into that mix didn't help either.  I think I liked Jason a little longer because he did have chemistry most of the time with the women he was paired with.  Every non Carly/Brenda pairing (outside of OGKate) just felt so forced with Sonny.  

I actually do think there are storylines for both Sonny/Carly currently.  Carly just has taken a hit with Jax/Jason leaving and Sonny moving toward Nina.  LW seems to be able to generate chemistry with a lot of people, so I figure they can find someone else for her.  

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It’s no slight to LW, who I would watch any day over Sonny. She is just in the same boat as Alexis (but at least two of her kids are actually onscreen often).  I wouldn’t saddle her with Howarth or Easton, so much like Alexis if there is going to be romance they have to cast someone for her and build it.

Sonny has momentum in his story, it’s already going.  Carly has to have something built up, and the question is will they do it or just have her floating around our ing Jason and yelling at Nina?

Maybe Sean, but I fear that would be about as utilized as Laura is with Kevin.  He deserves better than that, so does she really.

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Honestly, Howarth was my first thought for LW.  They had good chemistry.  Sean would work for me too, but I figured he would end up with Alexis.  Maybe Drew for her?  I feel like LW is in the same corner Britt is.  Her love interests left.  I am sure the eventual default will be back to Sonny, but it is a bummer LW is probably the most effected.

They have cast so many women over the years for MB/Sonny I do feel it's only fair to cast one for Carly.  But the cast is so huge in itself already.  Idk, I don't worry about LW/Carly.  She will always get writing.

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