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I didn’t hate Robert, I just didn’t enjoy him and if he had a love interest I didn’t dig (Katherine) then he was especially grating.


Outside of Anna being my favorite, I was way more into Frisco back then than Robert.


But when he came back it was like a breath of fresh air.  Even now, I love the way he says Corinthos.  Just the right amount of contempt.

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GH wasn't very good back then.  I mean, miles ahead of where it is now, but all those stories were duds.  Nik/Stefan/Katherine?  Awful and boring and GH was weirdly obsessive about re-pairing Patch and Kayla.  Bobbie and Stefan were good together. 


Jax with V following him around because the police think he is a drug dealer? Stupid.  Clearly they had no idea what to do with Ingo after S/B/J round 1 ended.  V was okay though. 


The Dr. Dorman murder veering into the Tin Man saga for Sonny and Brenda?  Probably their worst story of the 90's.  I still don't really understand how it all lead back to Lily's dad. 


Thank god for the Nurse's Ball, but I genuinely disliked that twit Gina Cates.  Caring about her brother 1 1/2 years after his death?  Great.  Glad you couldn't be bothered to show up when he was dying.


Sidenote:  I do get a kick out of how much Garcia and Taggert hate Sonny and Jason. 

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I'd still take her back though, LOL


But sadly most competent producers and writers have no interest anymore, due to years of interference, etc. They've basically all been driven out. Hence the recycling of hacks.


1997 was ... not good but like you said ... I'd take it back anyday over whatever this is now ... hell 2018 was better than 2019 has been. It's not even offensive or destructive, really, it's just ... not good. It feels like it's on autopilot.


I LIVED for Garcia and Taggert's hatred of Sonny and Jason.

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Garcia and Taggert were totally over the top with their hatred and in 1997 I actually disliked them being so mean to Jason/Sonny because teenage me didn't think the anger was justified.   Now I would love for a character, any character to hate Sonny and Jason because they are actual criminals.  I want them both to come back immediately and just bother Sonny/Jason like they used to.


I would agree that the show now isn't offensive.  It's just there.  It's boring   I feel like even when things happen it's boring.  GH still has an okay budget and some good actors everything just moves so slowly or not at all.  The show needs a major shake up.  I would fire a lot of the cast (Nina, Finn, Peter, Valentin, Kim, Franco, Drew etc-the ones that make some money) and bring back some vets (insert about 10 names that would work).   Bringing Jax back was a start but some other recent casting announcements make me wonder why are we wasting time on this?

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