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Spring 2001 was soooooo wild and over the top - and amazing.


The Morgan DeWitt story started off very boring, but turned into quite the gem. With Clarke and the python, Morgan falling over the balcony, the Steffy is eaten by a shark "twist", Dr. Tim Reid in LA and of course the climax with Ridge driving into the living room of her house.

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Thanks for the episode!

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So I have to wonder if JER saw that scene of Ridge driving his car into the house, and got the inspiration to do the same scene with Ivy on Passions a few months later when she crashed her car into the church to stop Ethan and Theresa's wedding, LOL
I did enjoy Taylor's rescue. Ronn Moss looks a lot like Matt Atkinson....he even has the same "psycho" look in his eyes Thomas has now... I didn't realize that Tim was that calculating to have Morgan try to shoot Ridge....I always thought he had a bit of a conscious whenever it came to helping Morgan and Phyllis with their schemes....anyways the scene with Steffy coming downstairs and is reunited with Ridge and Taylor was very heart-warming...This is one of the reasons this is still considered a classic era IMO.....if only Bradley didn't rely too heavenly on Ridge's waffeling he and Taylor could have been the "supercouple" I think Bill Bell attended them to be...

Brooke and Bridget have great mother/daughter chemistry......I hate the show's obession with making Brooke obsessed with Hope day in and day out now...Sally confronting Brooke was terrific too. While I will always think Stephanie is far worse then Brooke ever was, I think the show at least understood here that she was far  from innocent. She's expressing no sympathy towards Sally bringing up Macy's death. 

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I never understood why Judith Baldwin was replaced so quickly after the shows premiere. Does anyone know why the switch ? I wonder what Constance Towers would have been like as Beth Logan ? I don't think there was ever a reason given for the switch from Clayton Norcross to Jeff Trachta. 

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