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Thanks so much again!

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  good episode!

Terri Ann Lynn/Kristen still reminds me so much of Ashley/Brenda Epperson....I don't really get this marriage to Mick and her family finding out about it, but he really creeps me out....It's almost like watching an abusive marriage.

Definitely rare to see all the Forresters under the same roof. I loved the fun banter, and awkwardness during the breakfast , they really played that well! Also rare to see Kristen and Felicia together....they seemed to never really be on at the same time....they are both such underwritten characters that deserved a lot more IMO.

Great work by SF during Stephanie's speech! They really showed Stephanie's vulnerable side, to the point where, despite everything in the past the viewers really felt for her later when Eric told her he wanted to divorce.

KKL was really beautiful! She still is, but she really shined here for some reason...I forget how good her and McCook are together.....Where Brooke and Eric already a thing here? I guess I will have to watch's episodes again to see the exact moment that Brooke/Eric start.

Edited by YRfan23
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@DRW50 Watching that clip, I am impressed by Susan Flannery's game. She elevates everybody (and the show as a whole). Some of the dialogue is a little formal and stilted (Kristen's especially, but Thorne asking his dad how his romantic evening went was also a giant wtf!). However, SF is so natural in her delivery that she makes it all sound perfectly normal. She really flips the audience who go from hating her to loving her. Her command of this character is one of the best I have ever seen in soaps tbh.


KKL was radiant. It's clear this is one reason she rose above the fray on B&B, because this show is mostly packed with glamorous blondes.


(Love the ads -- TV advertising's last hurrah before the internet age threw a flame-thrower on all that)

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Susan Flannery was luminous for that first 5-10 years. Sometimes I forget how much. I can't remember what Chris Schemering called Stephanie but I think it was something like a sphinx. I know that the family crippled by controlling or cold mother issues wasn't new to Bill Bell, as Jennifer Brooks had some of the same plots, but Flannery raised it to an artform, and it helped that in the early years she did have different relationships with her children and they weren't only focused on her obsessing over Ridge. 


Bell's very on-the-nose dialogue always entertains me, and it does here in particular with the Eric/Brooke scenes (and Donna calling Stephanie "the wicked witch").

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She really was. SF once called Stephanie a tentpole character, holding up the show, and she was right. It is an amazing part (back when Dynasty/Dallas/Falcon Crest/Knots Landing had breathed life into amazing character roles for women over 40), and when you have a talented actress who gives the part authority, experience, backstory and nuance, you have a star-making turn. I literally cannot keep my eyes off her. When she talks to her children at the breakfast table, I am hanging on her every word just like they are.


And ITA about the different relationships with her kids. It added to the layers of character that Susan Flannery and Bill Bell had already sketched onto Stephanie. The Forrester children had characteristics that Stephanie already possessed -- or wish she had. Ridge was essentially a surrogate husband -- she was drawn to his seductiveness as she had been with Eric -- but she also felt protective of Thorne's sweetness, too, fearing he might be trampled by Ridge's assertiveness (maybe as she had once been hurt by Eric's cheating).


The dialogue lol is from another time. But I loved it and miss it sometimes. The formality and vocabulary reminds me of how my grandparents used to speak. Nobody speaks that way now, but at least nobody in this clip is mumbling their words or chewing end consonants or indulging in baby-speak ! I like that attention to elocution on the Bell shows. The dialogue was important and everybody treated those written words with kid gloves.

Edited by Cat
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Finally sat down and watched the jewels that @DRW50 posted. Again, thanks for them. 


These episodes basically highlighted all that is wrong and missing on B&B as of late. Kristen, Thorne, and Felicia are so missed and necessary on this show. There is the absence of family relations missing on B&B. While there was a bit of awkward tension between the Forresters during the episodes, you could still sense some warmth; you could still see they care for each other in a sense. Now they are all so isolated that it is sad. 


Seeing episodes of Teri Ann Linn's Kristen again was good. I loved her Kristen, and I do agree that she was very similar to Brenda Epperson's Ashley. She also reminds me a bit of Kim Simms' Mindy on GL too. There's just this natural sensuality about her and she is gorgeous. I just never cared for Tracy Melchoir's Kristen the same way. 


Seeing Margo and Clarke with Mark just reminds me of all that is missing on the show. Mark should've been a mainstay on the show, and I miss Clarke's goofy butt too. He would fit in so well at Spectra with the current crew. 


God I miss B&B when it was well written and had A, B, and C stories all airing at the same time. 

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Thanks for the tag! 

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I have such a soft spot for early B&B. It was my very first daytime soap and I loved the show's first era. After watching more soap operas I started having such high hopes for this show. Too bad that it ended up becoming a joke.


I loved the Logan family dynamics. I was obsessed with Stephanie Forrester, SF made her such a fascinating character. Despite wanting Eric to end up with Beth (and later with Brooke), I couldn't help feeling for Stephanie and respecting her. 


2017 Eric should be involved with Margo instead of Quinn and Wyatt should have been her son Marc.


The show really needs a moral center these days. At least one person who wouldn't sleep through an entire family. 


Brad Bell ruined this show, it used to be so good and it had so much potential. 

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