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Woman gives her 8 year old Botox injections


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You had to know this would come up sooner or later.

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I heard some people on a talk radio show call in and say "I'm not prepared to judge the mother". PLEASE, then let ME judge the bitch! Pageant moms are obsessed and creepy as hell. When does 8 year olds have wrinkles? I didn't have wrinkles at 28! 8 year old children don't have wrinkles, for God's sake!

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Apparently child services is getting involved, and people are all up in arms about it. I think alot of the issue comes from her trying to perform a medical prodecure like that and her not being a doctor. And we all know that no doctor would EVER give botox to an 8 year old (Not a legitimate one, anyway).

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I'll just say that Botox CAN be administered to an 8 year old in a perfectly safe way, but NEVER for cosmetic use. Botox was originally developed for ocular disorders, tremors, many nervous conditions. Its cosmetic use was pioneered by Drs Jean and Alistair Carruthers in the late 1980s. Botox is used therapeutically in safe dosing for children every day.

However, this BITCH is illegally injecting her daughter for cosmetic use. This child is damaged, she already demonstrates a distorted body image and a degree of self hatred. As well, Botox for cosmetic use is going to do absolutely NOTHING for this child, she's 8, there aren't any wrinkles to treat.

And as a dermatologist, I am offended that this BITCH thinks its appropriate to do a doctor (or nurse injector)'s work. She could do a number of very unpleasant and serious things to her daughter.

I am disgusted and offended as a parent and a physician. Pageants simply are not healthy for children. This BITCH needs to lose custody of her child permanently. I can bet you there's more sinister things going on besides the Botox. Where there's smoke, there's fire.

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Thank you for clarifying the clinical use of Botox being indicated in children with certain disorders. you know, all the news i've been seeing are all saying that it's not been tested in children, blah blah blah... but apparently they are wrong, or not giving complete information. But what you've stated about nerve conditions and tremors, etc... is obvious to me, once you mentioned it. Personally I'd be scared of it myself for cosmetic use, but I'm a hypochondriac, so there's no surprise there. I just cna't believe the psychological damage that's being done to this girl. The teenage years are hard enough when it comes to appearance issues, but to saddle this girl with all that this early and rob her of her childhood, so this bitch can live vicariously through her daughter is an outrage.

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I am mostly surprised that she has the balls to show her face. Is she not afraid that the law could be on her ass for illegally obtaining/injecting Botox? And never in a million years would I be sticking needles into my child's face. Awful. If you can't trust your own mother to have your best interests in mind, who can you trust?

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And Kerry is not even her real name. Damn. And she did all this for a couple of hundred bucks? i'd have flipped burgers at Macdonald's for three days before i'd have subjected myself and my child to THAT. The world has gone nuts, I'm tellin ya.

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Why does she get to keep her child just because she didn't actually inject her with Botox? She humiliated her child and used her child for quick cash. She took photos with a large needle near her child's face and eyes - and she is now saying she had even less idea of what to do.

Somehow I am still surprised that ABC, which is supposedly a reputable news organization, would take this story at face value, and pay her a large fee.

Disgusting all around. Most of all that this woman's game actually worked. ABC is encouraging people to do who knows what and they will get a spot on GMA.

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Honestly, not to besmear the kid or anything but when I saw the original story on a news program, I saw the kid and was thinking "She's in beauty pageants?" She looked like an average-looking kid to me, not so much "beauty pageant" material. But maybe it's because I've got the prancing Jonbenet image in my mind of the kids in those things so what do I know? But something just seemed off to me about the story...that and the claim that basically the industry was doing it all along and there was nary a peep or a stink about it before.

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