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Revenge: Discussion Thread

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Considering they are pitting this show against CSI, it's doing admirably well. I still don't understand what people see in those procedurals with all the gratuitous gore. I would not be surprised if ABC changes Revenge's timeslot. I wonder if they might put it in Grey's Anatomy's timeslot, it seems a perfect fit for the space Brothers and Sisters used to occupy. Grey's anatomy needs to be the one they put against CSI.

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When I saw the advance screener pilot in the Summer, and ALL the advertisements, I admit, I didn't think it stood a chance in Hell. (And not due to quality at all). And then I saw the good first week ratings--and how much trouble ABC is having with dramas... So I'm glad too. I think it could gain momentum with word of mouth.

Nah they should keep it where it is. I don't much liek proedurals either (find them dull), but right now it's up against L&O and CSI (I believe), both shows that have already peaked and are on the decline. It's also the only serial show in that time slot so is great counterprogramming--AND Wednesday at ten has for a while now been a KILLER (in a bad way) timeslot for ABC--they'd be foolish to mess with it now.

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He's just too mannered to be some cool "tough" James Dean kid, and he can NOT pull it off. Like I said, I blame the dialogue as well, but man...

From what I remember, and it was never that clear, Victoria's husband--or him and a whole group, had it set up so that it looked like Emily's father gave information to a terrorist group who then using that information ahd a plane explode killing all its passengers. He wanted the husband locked up--and I'm sure it's not just because he knew about Victoria's affair--was her father somehow involved in his business and he got it all? Somehow he got a lot of his money from the deal--the only reason Emily ended up so rich was because of the investment the dad made (from jail?) in Nolan's company which blew sky high.

I still wanna know why Emily was locked up in juvie...

Yeah, after a couple more episodes if each ep was focused on one clear revenge scheme, it would get a bit samey I think or gimmicky.

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I saw him in pink as trying way too hard to dress and act more like the Hamptonites he loathes but wants to be a part of--pink polo shirts like that aren't remotely gay in that scene, IMHO. I don't really egt the gay vibe--though he seems desperate to be friends with anyone--guy or girl--and desperate to be a part of their lives--either in a good or bad way.

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Yeah, I understand that much, but I'm trying to get to the "why" of the whole thing. I know it hasn't been revealed yet, I just want to know now, damn it. LOL! The convo between Victoria/hubby almost seemed like they needed a fall guy. Maybe it really was just about money. Hopefully that's one of the answers we get by week 13.

The investment in NolCorp had to be before David was put away. Otherwise his assets would have been frozen, that's why I think Nolan couldn't have cheated Emily if he really wanted to.

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While this is by far the best new show this fall, I have two more complaints about Revenge.

The first complaint is that they made the evil Senator a conservative. Why is it that the villians are far more often made Republicans than Democrats? (And yet there are still some who maintian that Hollywood has no liberal bias.) And the writers of this show obviously have zero understanding of how New York politics works, since a pro-life politican could never win a statewide election there.

The second complaint is that the last episode involved hacking into a DVD presentation. IMO, this is just too similar to the prior episode whereby Emily hacked into the Senator's E-mail speech. Hopefully, future schemes won't repeat one another.

Edited by Max
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I have NEVER heard anyone claim that Hollywood has no liberal bias, LOL. But I don't doubt you, I guess. That said--recently, you must admit, the scandals involving politicans who "sext", etc, are conservative--it adds to the scandal if they're not being true to their ideals--by havign affairs, or being secretly gay, etc. Also creator Mike Kelly si openly gay and democratic--he did Swingtown--and I think it's his right to write his show the way he wants. (Of course I admit I'm biased--if I lived in the US I would never vote for a conservative plotiican).

But I think you can't take it as realistic--like I complained about the stuff about young Amanda being locked up in a youth asylum, being repeatedly interviews only by the ONE therapist, etc, is so utterly beyond realistic in anywhere in North America where you have to constantly have two adults in the room, etc, and the tapews are usually reviewed by someone else as well. There's no way they'd allow this one shrink to berrate the girl repeatedly into saying her dad is bad, or telling her she's a liar and liars are bad, etc. I'm less invested in politics than I think you are--so if that aspect about the asylum bugged me, I do get why the political stuff does. But I could let it wash over me fine.

To be fair about the DVD hacking--all she did was took an old DVD and slipped in her new one, and pretended she found it in the player. I'm not sure that's hacking as much as the classic bait and switch.

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I agree, the conservative being involved in the scandal just makes the hypocrisy angle juicier. Swingtown.... wow. Being a lover of all things 70's, I wanted to like that show SO BAD, but I just didn't. It was a great idea that got away. I'm glad he hit paydirt with Revenge, this is a MUCH better show.

Edited by alphanguy74
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To the best of my knowledge, there have been two sexting scandals in the United States: one involving former Republican Congressman Chris Lee, and the other involving former Democratic Congressman Anthony Weiner. However, both you and Alphanguy are right in the fact that having the evil Senator be conservative makes it all the more jucier.

Eric, you also make a great point regarding how unrealistic it would be to have a girl alone with a therapist in a youth asylum. I guess that we'll all have to disregard Revenge's many unrealistic plot points when it comes to enjoying this show.

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Wow, Emily, you crazy bitch, how fucked up was it to lock Michelle in that container, just like you were locked up in an asylum? Brilliant stuff!

Everything is coming together, gelling more than ever. I am slowly liking Declan more each episode, though not because of the actor but because of the writing.

And Tyler... am I right in getting gay vibes from him? It seems like this may be the classic triangle with one person being an evil bitch only, this time, it's a guy lol At least I hope so.

I really do think each episode gets better and better. And with the news about the pickup and the better ratings, I am very happy!

Edited by YRBB
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