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OLTL Tribute Thread


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Actually it was 1998. Remember it was the week of the sh'w 30th anniversary when Viki came back from a cruise and was going to accept Clint's proposal so she gathered the family around and Clint walked in with Lindsey Rapaport "the new Mrs. Clint Buchanan." Viki was so humiliated and later that night Dorian came by to comfort her.

Clint Ritchie was an alcholic who was not easy to get along with when he was drinking. and i guess on many occasions he'd had a "drinking lunch" and then not be the nicest guy when he came back to the set. But when he was sober, he and Erika had a good working relationship. but i think when Clint and Viki divorced and then Clint the actor started drinking again, Erika just did not want to go through it anymore and vocally said in the press that she didn't think it was a good idea for Viki and Clint to be back together. then when Jerry came, Erika loudly said she wanted his Clint and Viki to be back together. Things just didn't work out that way. They put Clint with dorian, then Nora then Kim. They only put them back together for a very breif time in the Prospect Park season.

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I actually started watching OLTL again after a break for a few years due to the Clint/Lindsay relationship and Viki's reaction to it. I'm smiling just thinking about it!

ITA about Jerry VerDorn. As great as he was on GL as Ross Marler, he just never embodied any aspect of Clint at all. They should've brought him on as a new character who could've gotten involved with both Viki & Dorian.

I think it was Phil Carey, but don't quote me on that.

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OK, one of my biggest pet peeves is misspellings and other errors that show up in print (though some of them can be rather funny, as evidenced by the success of Jay Leno's "Headlines" for so many years). Macdonald Carey and his "finance" go out on the town? Who was minding the store there?

(Don't mind my ranting - I have worked in proofreading and editing professionally, so naturally that was the first thing that caught my eye!!)

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Yea. Sam was the first Rappaport to come to town. then Lindsey came, but as a day player if i remember right. She was just goping to be his annoying ex wife who came on for the episode and then left. but people loved the character and actress so much, she didn't leave unitl many years later. Then Will came on. Of course Ben was first because he came in February but we all knew him as a Davidson.

1998 was a real weird year for the show. They replaced a popular Kevin (Stapleton) with the Another World Timmy Gibbs guy, then the Rapaports invaded Llanview and then they did the whole "Dorian goes to Heaven...Heaven's waiting room" story. Kristien Alderson came in as Starr but Roger took one of his leaves of absents after Todd was pretending to have DID and then the wedding to Tea. and then Clint Ritchie left Llanview after character Clint's short marriage to Lindsey. David Reynoldie came back. Jessica ended up pregnant.right after graduating High School. and of course it was the year of the 30th anniversary where they did a whole month of little snippits at the beginig of each episode of an actors talking about their characters with Vintage clips.

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