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Thank you! They felt really out of place on the show. And she didn’t look old enough to be Mel’s mother.



Oh I I didn’t mean to tell everyone, that would’ve been despicable. What I meant was during one of their many arguments where Viki was revering her father why would Dorian never have said “what about what he did to you Victoria?“. It just felt like clearly rewritten history.

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Dorian knew and never told, and I always thought that was the most brilliant part of the story. She could've exonerated herself any day for decades but lived with the hatred and scorn from the town for years out of a higher sense of honor. She does rail at Viki about it in the final reveal scenes in early '95.


I knew people who loved Helen Gallagher from RH as Mel's mom, and that whole era. I knew many who did not. I loved Labine's GH but I found her OLTL sleepy at best. She didn't want to be there anyway; she was running out her contract after ABC passed her over for the Heart & Soul spinoff with Ned and Lois.

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I could have bought Dorian keeping quiet if Viki had not campaigned to have her locked up for Victor's murder. Dorian was on death row, if memory serves, and she still wouldn't say anything? I thinks he would have brought it up to try to get Viki to step in, or would have earlier on in the investigation. And Malone wrote that story too, so the disconnect has never made sense to me. 




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Dorian did try to use it for leverage against Viki at the very end, when Viki was haranguing her about Joey, etc. This led to Viki's split into Tommy and attack on Dorian in that same scene. I can buy Dorian holding it back beyond her usual instincts til the bitter end, especially given her own family background, working any other angle to get free or even perhaps hoping Viki would remember on her own. I think that makes her all the more complex.

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It's all a matter of retro-logic really as Robin Strasser pitched the idea of introducing the sexual abuse factor into Viki's history of DID. She's admitted that she sort of shot herself in the foot by doing so as it led to the revelation that Viki killed her father when Robin used Dorian's responsibility for Victor' s death as major character motivation.


Me too. As well as the scene I believe @Paul Raven talks about where Karen whoops Dorian's ass.

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Dorian was down there for a month. Jean made Dorian phone Cassie to tell her that she was in Spain and had no intentions of coming back to Llanview.  When Jean learned that Cassie had the call traced to a local cell phone, Jean knew her plan was unravelling and she agreed to release Dorian (on several conditions) once the house was clear. 


Todd confronted "Viki" about their pervy father and Jean lost control and Niki emerged. She took off for Atlantic City and left Dorian starving in the secret room for days.


Dorian busted through the wall and discovered an underground tunnel. I was certain this tunnel was going to lead to Eterna, but no, they didn't go there.

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Jean reemerged and rushed back to Llanfair just in time to catch Dorian before escaping, and released her as promised.


It all eventually came out but at first Dorian had to honor Jean's conditions to keep Viki's abuse and other personalities a secret, and to dump Joey and marry David. In return, Jean would ensure that "Viki" wouldn't further pursue murder charges against Dorian since it turned out that Irene's diary confession that got Dorian off death row was a forgery.

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It scared the [!@#$%^&*] out of me when I was a kid. I knew something was very wrong with the Victor Lord myth way before they started doing those disturbing, Twin Peaks-esque dreams of Viki's with Victor and Sloan, and I had a feeling I knew what it was (I was right, but at that age I didn't really articulate it). But when Viki turned into Tommy, went apeshit, called Dorian an ugly bitch and threw her down the stairs I was terrified. I didn't know she'd had DID so I just assumed Viki, who I liked a lot, had gone completely insane.


Like the LM, I haven't seen the full DID story since '95. A ton of it is on YT now but I'm not sure there's any organized playlist.

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It really was shocking, even for longtime fans who had seen Nikki Smith, when she went into all those different alters.  Jean was calculating, Tommy rage.


I also remember watching and being afraid for Dorian.  There were moments where it felt like Viki was capable of really hurting her theough one of her alters.


I loved that story.  And yes, I know it was a huge retcon.  But it was a good one.


So much lead up to it.  Sloan, the book, Joey, their feud.  All these pieces of Viki’s life were broken and she was in a lot of anger and pain.  Malone’s first stint was really good.

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It's one of those stories I can appreciate for the construction, but longterm did so much damage...I'm glad Erika won two Emmys for her work though, even if I wish one had been a tie with Leslie Charleson. 

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