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Although Claire Labine didn't give Mel much to do in the "unearthing Dorian's past" storyline, I felt like she really invested a lot of time and energy into making him and Dorian a viable, romantic, older couple.  It's a disgrace how JFP came along and just obliterated it all out of hubris and spite.

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The music cue at 20 or so minutes into the 1989 episode is just gorgeous. Who was the music director at this time? Did they win any Emmys? 


The story of the brotherly feud and the arrival of unstable Austin Buchanan would have been compelling if they hadn't made him a complete psycho, and a rapist on top of that. 


Max did such a number on Megan with pushing her to be with him when he clearly loved Gabrielle more. At least it helped viewers warm to Megan, I guess, but what a pig. 


Shelley Burch was such a treasure as Delilah. I wish they'd done more with her in this stint.

Edited by DRW50
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I hope it did. I wrote in my letter that I was sorry to hear of the recent passing of her husband, who was a major force in bringing Annie to stage and screen. I told her that my mom threw me an Annie themed birthday party when I turned three - which was at the same time the movie was still in theaters. I'm glad that a good deal of OLTL from the 80s is up on YouTube because Delila really was a fun, great character. Shelly was perfect in the role.


I don't understand why Ken Meeker as Rafe Garretson wasn't given more to do in the decade he was on OLTL. He was a very handsome man who could actually ACT!! He had terrific chemistry with his leading ladies, Dorian Lopinto and Shelly Burch. I know he turned Jeff Giles down for an interview in Llanview in the Afternoon - it's a shame because I would have enjoyed hearing his point of view on the goings on at the time.

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Those '80s clips - if there's an encapsulation of Paul Rauch's OLTL excesses better than peroxide blondes, a blind Clint Ritchie rappelling into a cave to escape stereotypical New York mobsters, Sharon Gabet howling away at disappearing corpses, and OTT fratboys sneering about being 'stoned on coke' I don't know of it. But it is a lot of fun. I did like seeing Viki and Tina by the same old kitchen table, too. I've only occasionally seen much of them bonding like that back in Andrea's original run - most of my more loving Viki/Tina memories were with Karen Witter.


I like how they're playing an instrumental version of "The Way You Make Me Feel" at the restaurant - they couldn't afford the actual Michael Jackson vocal track even in the '80s?


Lisa Peluso was always so game on any show no matter how big or in this case pointless the role. She did so many shows. She was a lifer too, a child actress I believe, and she had to fill big, big shoes taking over a key Erica Kane analog role as Ava on Agnes' Loving. It's hard to replace Roya Megnot, let alone the larger shadow of Lucci and Erica. But she was great on every show. I guess she's entirely retired to real estate now but she'd make a good short term villain on GH or something.

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