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The way it played out on-screen, when David Renauldi was introduced, it was very clear that he was intended for Pat. After suffering through her pairings with Chip Lucia's Tony  and John Mansfield's Adam, I was thrilled. If Paul Fuccello was not going to return to the show as Paul, at least Courtney and Zaslow had obvious sparks together. Considering she was already being woven into a major story arc with other excellent actors, I never believed ABC's lame excuse that they dropped Courtney from OLTL because, "there is no more story for the character." Pffft. I'm sure something else was going on.

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Agreed and, Paul was politically principled.  Tony was rather quick to claim his part of the Lord fortune and there was no mention of using that cash to help the poor.


Thanks for all of your historical knowledge.


With regard to Dorian/David/Cassie, the retconning of Cassie is so clumsy.  Today I was reading the recaps of Cassie's introduction.  She appears in town, Dorian agrees to let her stay, and nobody in town judges Dorian for having a secret European daughter?  The audience had known Dorian for a while so it seems odd that she would have kept this girl overseas for so long and never mention her.  Vicky and Asa's long lost kids came with tons of exposition.  Cassie just drops into town and then we find out that Dorian had another secret daughter (this time kept in Latin America) and again nobody judges Dorian for just dropping off kids in foreign countries and forgetting about them? 

Edited by j swift
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While no one remembers everything, it amazes me how clear many of my ancient, soap-related memories are. I have no clue about what happened yesterday on Y&R, but I recall seeing Chris and Leslie Brooks  for the first time during the show's debut episode in 1973. I don't know whether to be proud or embarrassed!

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I seem to remember that Jenny and Brad lived in the carriage house at Llanview.   I cannot remember if that is where Tony lived, but I think that it is.   Tony may have moved to an adjoining apartment to his restaurant (Tony's Place), but that building burned down, didn't it?


I am also thinking that Joe and Vicki lived in the Carriage House.  (At least they were living there when I started watching the show in 1976 at the time of Victor's "death." )    Dorian remained in Llanview until she remarried (to Herb Callison), and she had to move out of Llanview.  Vicki and her husband (I cannot remember if she were married to Joe or Clint) moved back into Llanview.


The carriage house was not seen (in my memory) until Joey and Kelly moved into it.



What could the "mysterious circumstances" be that led to the failure to renew the contract of Jacqueline Courtney?

Could it have been that Paul Rauch was about to be hired as the new executive producer?

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Were the Sander's Mansion, Llanfair, La Boulaie, and the Buchanan Mansion all on the same street? 


Nope, according to Wikipedia, Llanfair was on 1177 Regency Drive. La Boulaie was on 56 Lincoln Street and the Buchanan's were over on 21 Riverside Drive.  I would have thought one of the perks of naming your estate was that you didn't need a street address.


I know Dorian bought La Boulaie from Marty Seybrook's Aunt but who named it?


I wonder why Asa never named his house?  As I recall, the Buchanan Mansion shape shifted a couple of times from it's original dark green interior to a brighter tone in 2000's.  Somehow, they also acquired a stable despite Llanview's urban setting?


Remember when Soap Opera Weekly or Digest would create fictional maps of the soap towns?  I loved having an image of the proximity between the sets.


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That carriage house had a lot of tenants!  When I started watching Viki and Joe lived there.  Then I remember Jenny and Peter Janssen living there.  Mari Lynn Dennison and Wade Coleman lived there.  I seem to recall Drew Buchanan living there and at various times Joey and Kevin.  As for Dorian's house, I think she named it.  I don't remember it having a name when Marty lived there.

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Yes, bougie Francophile Dorian dubbed the old Saybrooke mansion La Boulaie (literally birch grove, I seem to remember Dorian saying garden). Dorian also gave the address as 202 Lincoln Terrace. There was a funny moment when Dorian had a plaque put up with a false date of the house's construction as though it were an historic residence. Viki had a line like, "Dorian, this house was built in 1952!"


Asa's mansion was called Moorcliff. When he married Alex, the house was rechristened, Alexandria.

Llan- (land) is a Welsh prefix. Agnes Nixon said there were Llan- names near her home in Pennsylvania where she set OLTL.

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Looking back, I really like the way the writers linked Dorian and Marty's stories. When Dorian got out of prison and made her splashy return at the club on "Independence Day" (as she cooed), she returned to her penthouse and mused how she (a claustrophobic, remember) now felt the need for more space. They could've easily just given Dorian a house, but having Kiki sell the house up from under Marty and having Joey, looking for summer work, get hired by Dorian to help with renovations, i.e., be seduced... it was all so delicious and woven so well.


Btw, Dorian in blue and Viki in red looked fabulous in those 4th scenes. The show did a great photo set of them in their gowns.

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