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Late 1993 episode. I don't think I've ever seen the full episode uploaded. Todd plots his escape from prison, and Dorian hides her shame and guilt over William's death with classic Dorian bravado (the scene with Roy Thinnes and Robin Strasser is raw in the way soaps no longer are).

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The last of Gabrielle. I haven't seen those scenes in ten years, and her murder was treated with such casual disregard after the day of. I was at least glad she died happy again - but I never accepted her death. The weirdest thing was almost exactly a year later, around Christmas or New Year's 2004, when Kimberlin Brown's short-lived Paige Miller was Bo's new insta-love, and she helped him out of his very, very muted grief for Gabrielle...by [!@#$%^&*] him on his desk at the LPD, beside Bo and Gabrielle's picture.

That's Ashton Holmes seen briefly as Greg, Marcie's very sensitive, perhaps too PC temporary beau and Michael/Al's rival for her affections early in 2004. She had a stint doing a college radio show at Llanview U. a la Al and Luna (and River and then Nora last year) where she and guests, including Greg and Rae Cummings, would clunkily discuss offscreen issues like sexual harassment on campus. That sort of disappeared, like so many subplots. Holmes does a lot of stuff these does; he was in David Cronenberg's A History of Violence with Viggo Mortensen and on HBO's The Pacific, and he did Revenge. He was always so cute, but he always read as gay to me, so I found it odd they put him with Marcie. I found him much hotter than Nathaniel Marston though. But the character disappeared.

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Not sure if I've already posted this, but it's material from the time Sarah "died." Also features some of the story about Max being Asa's son.

A good example of some of the slog of late Rauch OLTL, although Tonja Walker trying to play Alex as tough/decisive fed is amusing.

It's always weird to see Rafe as part of big Buchanan family moments...with poor Clint trying to make a joke.

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These might have already been around, I don't know, but I hadn't seen it. It's a Kevin/Powell scene from the early days of the rape story. They also have a few other clips on this story, from 1993.

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Nice to see a little of the material which doesn't show up very often, like that Laura Jean story, and the rap story, with that...interesting dance number.

Tina's outfit is so cheaply put together (a short green wrap thing with huge shoulder pads) but Karen Witter makes it work. She looks hot. I like how Rauch didn't have her as overly ditzy, which Gottlieb did too often.

All the paternity stuff with Max and Asa is a bit tough to get into, but Nick Walker does a good job. I also love Gabrielle trying over and over to cover her tracks and keep Max going the way she wants him to go.

You can see why they made Alex nuts after this. Geez.

I hate the slicked back look on Bo and Rafe. Carlo looks ridiculous with that tuft of hair at the back.

Poor Megan. Jessica Tuck is amazing in that hospital scene with Jake.

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Oh, God, that's the early teen Kevin with the creepy doll face.

Look at little Erin and Chris McKenna.

The show circled and circled the Max/Asa relationship so many ways, for so many years - he loves him, he hates him, his father hated Asa, he's Asa's son, he's pretending to be his son, their families were at war, they are family, etc. I never understood all the permutations of that. It was a deep thing for them. It's amazing and ridiculous that less than ten years later JFP decided to do the story yet again. I would've liked to see Max do a guest run on the new show - scheming with Cutter and Natalie in some more Buchanan business. He has the existing relationship with Natalie, and he could have made Cutter's divided new life and nature complicated.

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More of the Viki/Clint/roger story posted. They took a lot of elements of this story and put it in the Sloan story. I think it's more plausable for Viki to leave Clint for Roger because they shared a love, a child and a unique past. Sloan they just kind of threw together with Viki and made him indespensible to her. but of course the whole Sloan thing was only suposed to be an affair until Clint Ritchie got in an accident and they needed something for Viki to do so they explored the Viki and Sloan relationship. By the time Clint came back, Viki and Sloan were secretly engaged and ready to move on.


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I've been reading up on OLTL stories on the OLTL history pages site. Does anyone know who played Lester Brock, the brother of Earl Brock in 72-73It said he was threatening Carla Hall to upset Ed Hall.

When Clint went back in time, Farmer Monroe McGillis was Mae's father. Howard McGillis was Brenda and Tyler's father. Does anyone know who the actor was that played both roles?

Anyone know the names of the early actresses that played Carlotta Vega b4 Patricia Mauceri?

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