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Upon reflection, the Brooke/Erica rivalry almost arose out of thin air.  Early on when Brooke was involved with Dan, Benny, and then Tom, I don't remember any significant interactions between the two women.  Erica never pined for Tom, and given Phoebe's disdain for Mona, she and Brooke rarely socialized. 


It wasn't until Brooke hooked up with Adam that Erica began the narrative about how Brooke took all of Erica's leftovers.  Then, Brooke's relationship with Jack cemented their animosity.  It feels like various writers used Brooke to remind Erica that either Adam or Jack were the loves of her life.  Erica was usually willing to toss any guy aside, until she knew someone else wanted them.  Certainly Brooke never did anything to Erica to deserve her scorn.  They just happened to have the same taste in men. 

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Brooke and Barbara were Erica’s only worthy opponents. Natalie could have grown into a third opponent, if they kept writing her the same. 

Maria never measured up! I was always rolling my eyes when they argued especially at wildwind. It wasn’t just that she was a goody goody, she just never carried  the weight and history that I felt was needed for those storylines. Imagine Brooke getting knocked up with Dimitri’s baby and Erica kidnaps the child. I believe the audience would be much more torn about the situation, because Brooke wasn’t a saint and the ladies had a very complex relationship. It makes the storyline more interesting imo. 

Both characters needed each other to survive, I figured TPTB knew this until Barr was let go/asked to go recurring. The show missed so many opportunities, to usher Brooke back onto the canvas, in a big way before Adam’s exit storyline. I’m just glad she got to come back and have decent story and fun moments with Erica before the end.


And I agree about Dixie screwing over Brooke twice. I guess that’s why the push her with tad instead of going all the way with the Edmund romance the first time around. By that time I was rooting for Brooke to finally get her fairytale wedding too! I don’t know how early Eva and John started dating but I’m sure their behind the scenes romance influenced them getting the super couple treatment.

Edited by cassistan
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Btw, I remember everyone HATING blonde Laura - especially after that tart got Gillian’s heart (a character whom the audience eventually grew to love).

‘90s, curly-haired Laura was a superior actor (of course, the writing was better then, too).

Edited by Pine Charles
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That’s exactly who tamera Braun needed to come in as. If the show was gonna do the first daytime same sex wedding, it needed to epic. A slow burn reconnecting romance of them two  just in time for the 40th. Ugh! You can reinvent the entire show now we them as in laws.


my show left the airwaves too soon.

Edited by cassistan
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(Btw, the last few replies have made me resent Maria. LOL!!

And I remember more or less enjoying her in the ‘90s... although I do recall - my mother, too - always thinking it was a mistake to break Brooke & Edmund up for Maria.... SAINT Maria of Wildwind, tending to the sick in her push-up bra).

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Bianca/Laura would have made so much sense! I actually started watching a few months shy of twenty years ago when the big storyline was Leo harassing Ryan to get Gillian's heart for Laura. I could not care less what people will think of me for this, but I LOVED Laura/Leo, their hospital room wedding, etc. I mean, I know better now, but I was 11 lol

All of the "They should have..." stories/ideas that we come up with only would have worked with a slower-paced show than what AMC was in its last decade and a half. I feel like even if they did some of the things we wanted them to, it still would have been hollow compared to how the ideas exist in our heads. Still, it's fun to think about how some false notes could have been improved. I will forever want Asher Pike to be the jock who regularly schtupped the Daniel Kennedy version of Petey Cortlandt instead of a weak and useless extension of the Cortlandt family.

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